Chapter 6~Unexpected feelings

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Aly POV.

I was shocked.

What was he doing.

I try to move but I couldn't,he was too strong.

Why did  he came to visit me?

Does he care?...we are just friends.


But I felt like that was not friendship...that was something else.

Something different.

Me:"Daniel leave me!What are you doing?And did you just call me love?

Him:"I won't! And if you want me to leave you then you'll have to respond to my questions first ok?"

Me:"Uhh fine!" I said pissed off.

Him:"Why we're you not at school?"

Me:" excuse me mister I go to school whenever I want!Who are you to ask?!

Him:"I guess you want me to use other ways to make you respond"he said slowly approaching his lips to mine.

But I pushed him by his arms and trow him on my bed with myself on him.

Me:"Don't you dare kiss me.How shameful of your self to try to kiss someone else when you already have a girlfriend!"

He looked a little shocked but it disappeared.

Him:"I don't care about Natasha she's nothing to me, and I broke up with her last week"

Me:"So?? That doesn't give you the right to do that get it!" And with that being said I realise the position that I was in and got up immediately.

I think I went a little too far.

But deep inside me there was an unknown feeling when I touched him.

A feeling I never felt.

Was he having the same feeling as me?

No i don't think so.

I got up and sat on my bed correctly and he did the same.

There was a long silence until I spoke.

Me:"I wasn't at school because I felt uncomfortable to talk to you after the conversation that we had yesterday"I said that without looking at him.

Him:"but why? why are you uncomfortable to talk about your parents,the people that you love the most.And why were your eyes teary"

I didn't say anything.

Should i tell him.

I never said that to anyone.

He saw that I was still not looking at him and that I was lost in my thoughts.

He brought his finger under my chin and lifted up to met my eyes with his.

Him:"maybe if you tell me you will feel better.Trust me."

Me:"My dad he...."

Him:"it's okay take your time"

Me:"he died"

He was really shocked and I could see that he was feeling really bad.

And my tears begin to flow.

Me:"that's why I don't like to talk about it because when I think about my dad I became sensitive and I cry...and I don't want it to cry in front of you Daniel."

I said that turning my back and bringing my hands to my face and cried even more.

He turned me towards him and brought his strong arms around me.

He was hugging me and my head was resting on his chest.

I felt secure.

I felt butterflies.

I felt good.

I could smell his cologne perfume.

After a few seconds which felt like hours I pulled away and said

Me:"thank you"

Him:"it's okay just know that I will always be there for you.I probably don't know how it feels to lose someone but I don't like seeing you sad you're better when you smile."

Me:"thanks you're a good friend Daniel"

Him:"yeah and I hope I'll be more then just that"

Me:"yeah...wait what?"

Him:"Uuuhhh I guess I should leave now"

I brought him downstairs and after offering his goodbyes to my mom and I he left.

I still felt butterflies in my stomach.

It's the second time that I feel this way
whenever i see him.

I went to my room, still thinking of him ,trow myself on the bed and dozed off to sleep.

I hope you guys enjoyed.
Peace out ✌️ ❤️

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