Chapter 3~A usual feeling

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Daniel POV
I know her.It's been three years and still she doesn't feel anything for me.How?

The first time I saw her I fell in love.
How could someone be so perfect and innocent.

She's not like the others girls.She doesn't want attention she just wants respect and happiness.

I tried so hard to make her fall for me but still...nothing.

I tried to impress,to talk to her,to be friend with her but every time I tried I failed because her beauty doesn't give me the chance to speak.

Whenever I try to talk I forget everything and only stare at her.

Impressing her? For what? She doesn't even look at me and I guess she doesn't even know I exist...but the other day she gave me hope in starting a relationship with her because she said she know I'm in her class!!

I was so happy to hear that.

But soon I lost my hope by remembering that it's obvious she knows I'm in her class.

I guess I dreamed for two second.

Even if I lost hope I still had the chance to talk to her and bother her for one hour when we were working on our project.

I loved spending time with her even if she was bothered by me.

I knew she would say no so I didn't even try to ask her out.I continued with my life,I kissed thousands of other girls because they were all running after my sexy body.

And also because I want it to forget her but... it was impossible.

I still felt incomplete.

But guess what she never fell in love with me no matter what I do.

I am behind her. I see how she tries to understand what the teacher is saying.

No I don't have a question I am just pretending because I want to see her beautiful innocent face.

Once she understood she got up and turned around without even looking and bump into me.

She was going to fall but I catch her small figure and held her by the waist.

I felt like protecting her and never letting her go.

Her eyes were close but she slowly opened them and realizes what happened.

I was just lost in her beautiful eyes.

"You can leave me" a sweet voice said.


"Daniel can you leave me please"



I was so lost in my thoughts that I totally forgot that I was still holding her.

"Sorry" I said while letting her free.

"Na it's fine but thanks for your help or else I would fall" she said.

"Be careful"

"I will" she replied with a little smile.

And then the bell rang and it was the end of everyone's classes.

I hope she will fall in love with me because I'm tired of Natasha.

She is always following me.

But she doesn't know that I'm only playing with her.

I never felt "love" for's only around Aly that I feel different.

I saw a few people filming when i catched Aly.

I know what they will it on Instagram and Facebook.

I guess that's what happens when you're way to popular.

Who cares at least Natasha will understand that I don't care about her.

Yes, Natasha is so possessive over me.

I know she's gonna freak out and then breakup with me...finally.

And then maybe I'll try to make Aly fall for me in a certain way.

For now I just wanna get rid of Natasha.

So that Aly thinks that I don't have a girlfriend anymore.

Oh that moment when she saw me and Natasha making out...I want it her to see and react but no she didn't bothered at all.

But I loved how she replied to Natasha,so much confidence...I love it.

Omg Daniel?!! In love !??
Will he be able to make Aly fall for him?
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!!
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