Chapter 14~Trust Issues

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(That's a picture of Natasha as ~Dove Cameron ☝️)

Aly's POV.

Daniel and I.

We we're definitely in love with each other.

He is always there for me and I like his company.

He bought little cute gifts for me.

And I gave him hugs,pecks and love.

I was just so happy to have him in my life.

I really was in love with him.

And I don't think I'll ever be able to forget him if something's happens.

Hopefully nothing wrong happens!

My mom really liked him.

And his mom liked me too.

I went too his house and he came to my house.

No we didn't slept together.

But he came sometimes at night to eat diner with me and my mom.

He made us laugh.

And I am so grateful to have him.

My mom was never so joyful and happy before.

But when he came in our lives he changed everything.

I'm so grateful because I can tell him anything and he understands me.

He's like an angel to me!

And about Natasha?

Well she's still really jealous.

She tried everything to have him back.

But he only gave his heart to me and only.

She still gives me glares.

I just ignore them like usual.

Sometimes I feel like she is planning something but I always think positive.

She's crazy why can she not let Daniel alone and in peace for a second?!

No but seriously every time he's alone she comes to bother him.

Stupid lady!!!

I don't really care cause I know Daniel loves me and he did enough to show me how much I'm important to him.

Me and Alexander we're like best friends now.

He's still really annoying but he's a good friend.

It's been 3 months of our relationship now.

I'm so happy for us.

Tomorrow I'm planning to give him a watch that I bought for him.

I know he will like it because we went shopping together the other day and he kept looking at the watch and when I asked him if he likes it he said he loves it.

But he didn't bought it because he spend all of his money.

Yes Daniel is rich and all.

But he's not a guy who will ask his dad money every time for no reason.

He did bought me a black leather jacket  for my birthday which I love and I will be wearing it tomorrow.

Before drifting off to sleep I prepared my school bag and called him.

Usually he calls me every night but today I want it to do it.

I tried calling a few times but he didn't pick up.

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