Chapter 15~Aly's Gift

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Aly's POV.

After talking to my friends I was walking towards the bathroom lost in my thoughts.

I decided I'll talk to him.

But not now later when I'll be ready because right now I'm nervous and I don't want to have a fight with him I just want to clarify if I'm misunderstanding and if my thoughts are true well...

My thoughts got interrupted when I bumped into a wall and i was going to fall but that wall who was actually Daniel's chest , he catch me before I could fall.

Him:"Watch where you're going princess!"

I immediately removed his arms for my waist because people were already staring at us and I don't want it them to think that I'm a girl who takes advantage of him even after knowing that he cheated.

Even if i'm still not sure about it,people believe what they see.

And then I went straight to the bathroom.

After a few minutes i got out hoping no one was around to look at me again.

And thankfully there was no one around.

I washed my hands and went away towards my locker but stopped when someone grabbed my waist and pulled me to a hard chest and I knew it was Daniel.

I tried to push his arms away but it was in vain.

Me:"leave me Daniel"

Him:"not gonna happen princess,why are you ignoring me and escaping from me huh?"

Me:"can you just leave me for know we'll talk about this later"

Him:"no I can't let this go right now, tell me what is bothering you because I hate to see you like that"

Come on Aly just tell him.My inner voice said.

Me:"Daniel...umm...did you cheated on me?"

I could see a shocked expression on his face but it disappeared.

Him:"oh so that's the matter,I guess you heard that too or you saw that picture on insta and now you're mad"he said with a sad expression.

Me:"no not at all it's just...I love you Daniel and hearing these rumours about you sleeping with's just...I'm not saying that I believe what people are saying but I just want to hear it from you"I said hoping he will understand me.

Him:"to be honest with you Aly I don't remember a single thing that happened last night,yes it's true that I was chilling with Natasha but other then that I...don't know... and i know it's hard for you because I'm popular and the whole school gets to know about my life and you have to endure people saying bad things and all and...just...if you want to break up with me well I'm sorry but that would never happen because your only mine"

Me:"NO don't say that, that's the last thing I would do because I really love you Daniel and I'm sure all of this it's a misunderstanding"

Then I embrace him into a hug and he did the same.

Him:"I love you too and I'm sorry!"

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