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  She was nervous for some reason. When I tried asking her what was wrong, she just shut me out. I guess I have a very rude wolf... Nah she's the best. 


Steva POV

I took both Alex and Emma to my room. How in hell did I end up being their Designated Driver? Both of them reek of alcohol. Pigs.

In the morning at around 6, we all got a message from school telling us that 

"All high school students are given a day off as per Alpha Edward's request to let them all relax from yesterday's party"

That is so sweet of my school.. Not!

So our tests will be postponed to tomorrow and Emma will start with her most famous line:  "Everything always happens in my favour" That's actually kind of true. Which I'm not gonna accept in front of her. As soon as she wakes up, she's gonna be all 'you should have come, we had so much fun and now we don't even have that dumb test'

The next day

I started walking to school but I don't know why I feel like there's something which caught the attention of the entire pack. I mean werewolves are whispering all over school and have a look of surprise mixed with understanding on their faces. Am I missing on some major gossip that the entire Weres know and I don't? Not that I know every gossip but it'll still be good to know.

Turns out I was actually missing on a huge gossip. I was in school when there gossip queens were talking about it. Thank goodness for werewolf hearing. I heard something which goes on the lines of

"Did you hear about what happened in the party?"

"Oh yes I heard!"

"But how is it possible, he's like so young"

"I know riiiggghhhtt? Dustin's not so sure himself...or that's what I've heard"

"What do you mean?"

"It seems like he got a whiff of like some amazing scent and he's not sure if his wolf confused it with his mate's. 'Cause, it seems he just got to smell it for like 2 seconds and then the scent disappeared"

"And to see if the scent was indeed his mate's, he went to the neighboring packs"

"Wait a min, why did he go to the neighboring packs?"

"That's because all the packs which are on good terms with us attended the party and some teens even came to the party that Dustin threw"

"Oh! Guess I was too drunk to notice. Hmm."

The bell rang indicating the start of the first class.

I haven't seen my best friends yet. Guess they didn't come to school today.

It was already lunch when I spotted my best friends making their way towards me. As soon as we hugged, Emma began.

"You know Dustin is not gonna come to school till he finds out if he was just imagining or actually got a mate? Apparently he doesn't want to go but Alpha Edward forced him to so that it's confirmed if he had a mate or not"

Then I asked her, "How can he find his mate? He's just 17. Don't Weres find their mates when they turn like 20?"

"Some lucky Weres find their mates way before they turn 20. It's a blessing from the moon goddess."

"Dustin could have been mistaken too you know. There were too many people and there was alcohol in every one's body. Some were even on top of each other so their scents could have been mixed. Obviously he was drunk too so he could have imagined it. He's not so sure. So he's gonna confirm whether he has a mate or not. Also because we are one of the most strongest and best packs in Alaska, we have a lot of packs which are and want to be on good terms with us. Dustin has quite a lot of travelling to do."


Whoa! This story is #90 in werewolf!! Thank you so much guys!

Keep voting! <3

P.s. Was Dustin mistaken or did he actually find his mate? Comment below!

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