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Dustin POV

It's been a whole week of torture for me. There is no sign of her. I know for sure she isn't dead, if she was I would have felt it. I cannot even think about this.  I can't mind link her yet as she is not part of my pack formally which is done by performing a ceremony.  I can't use the mate mind link also as I haven't even marked her yet let alone mate.

 I'm so frustrated right now! My room is a mess. Everything is out of it's place and sprawled all over the floor. No one dares to approach me in fear of me ripping their throat out without feeling any remorse what so ever. I'm a complete wreck, always in a bad mood.

Hell I can't even sleep anymore. My mind is filled with Steva.  I shut my eyes and she appears, I try to reach for her.. I'm always only a step away from holding her in my arms. I just can't catch her. 

This is driving me insane.

Why is this even affecting me? She's just my mate. I don't even like her... or do I like her more than just licking her..?

What is happening to me? No, the better question is, what the hell has she done to me?? Am I really falling for her?

I guess I know the truth to that even if I don't want to accept it.

I am in love with her. 

I don't know whether I should feel happy or stupid that I didn't realize this. She isn't even near me when I realise this to go kiss her. I growl at the situation I'm stuck in.

I was just in a daze. Before I could comprehend what was going on, I was a mile deep in the forest, running. Ashton, my beta, found a lot of rouges which was very unusual 'cause they usually travel alone or three at max.

I followed his directions and saw that there were about 20 or so rouges. This is exactly how I wanted to release my pent up frustration and anger- by killing these idiots.

I killed most of them and we detained one of them. This rouge did not seem the least bit fazed. He looked almost like he expected this and was grinning.

"What is your name, rouge?" I spat at him.

" You should not worry about my name but about where your lovely mate is" He snickered.

"What are you talking about?" I asked

"Since that ass promised us money and now backing out on his word, I will give you a hint."

"WHO" I shouted at him

"Don't push your limits Alpha. There is a small cottage near that hide out of your mate. He's hiding there along with your mate."

"Why are you telling me this? How do I know that you are not lying? What do you get out of this?" I ask him a series of questions.

He laughed "Revenge. I will die in his hands sooner or later, I can not escape that. I will ultimately die in yours or his so I want to take him down with me.

To know whether I am lying or not, go check it out yourself. And I don't need to lie because you're gonna kill me right now anyway"

"That you guessed right." I snapped his head and he fell onto the the ground. Dead.

I was about to go in the direction he said that Steva was when all of a sudden, many wolves came. I groaned inwardly. What is with these rouges? I mind linked Ashton to go and call other fighters.

He instantly left and after a few minutes, I was joined by a few from the pack. Ashton not being among them. I didn't have the time to debate where he had gone. Th more number of wolves we killed, the more they kept coming.  We finished killing all the wolves after fighting for about an hour and a half hour. I headed in the direction of the cottage as fast I could. 

When I reached the spot, I was shocked. My blood was boiling with anger. I growled real loud at what I saw. It was a clearing and even though I was standing quite far, they could hear it. Mainly because of the alpha tone and power.

Steva you are so DEAD!!!


Hey peeps! TODAY WAS SUPER HECTIC FOR ME. I had to take very important decisions for which I am scared at every step and my future.

OK I had to just let it out.



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