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I reached home. No one was home so my house is under my command. I can do whatever I want. I was making myself a sandwich when my phone rang 

The caller ID was private so I did not know who was calling me. I picked up the call 

" Hello" I said 

"Hey sweetheart. "Dustin said 

oh shit I can recognize his voice from anywhere

Dustin continued " Listen from tomorrow onwards  I will pick you up from your house and also I will drop you after school. Fortunately for you I got Mrs.Hicks our receptionist to change my timetable to suit yours. In other words I will be there in every class you are in. So get ready by 8 , I will pick up from your house." with that being said he hung up

What the actual shit 

I groaned 

'way to ruin my mood Dustin' i said to myself

Next morning 

I got up extra early to execute my plan


Its kind of dumb but the only thing I can do.

So I will get up extra early and then Instead of leaving at 8 which is my usual time I will leave at 7 so Dustin will not be able to pick me up.

So I got up and got ready. I wrote a note to my parents stating that I will be going early today and stuck it on the fridge.

I made myself some flakes and milk and I was ready to go.

I walked out the door to find Dustin leaning against his car casually. He had sunglasses on and his infamous smirk. He looked at  me and waved and motioned for me to get in the car.

One word came out of my mouth "How ?"

He smirked and said " Simple. I knew you would do some stupid trick so I stationed a few guards outside your house from 5 in the morning and told them to give me a call when you woke up. "

That explains why he is so early.

Dustin spoke" Steva because of you I could not eat my breakfast and we are super early to go to school so we are going to a diner to get us some breakfast"

" I already ate" I said

" no problem, eat again or watch me eating " he said

We drove to the diner and he ate and I sat there staring into the depths of nothingness ..... okay that was deep  I was just thinking about random things.

At around 8 we left the diner and headed to school. When we were in the car, me not being able to hold on any longer blurted out

"You never let anyone touch your car including your best friends, how come you let me sit in your car"

He replied " That's because you are my Mate and whatever is yours is mine and whatever is mine is ....... most of them is yours."

I smiled at his answer. He said most of his not everything that belongs to him is mine but everything that is mine is his.

We arrived at school. Dustin got down and came to my side of the car and opened the door. I got down and he instantly wrapped his arm around my waist. It was as if time had stopped all the students stopped whatever they were doing and stared at us.. me actually.

Everyone had a shocked expression. It was just like that scene in twilight when Edward and Bella  go to school together and all the students just stop to watch them.

The stares and attention was too much for me to take so I tried hiding behind Dustin.   Dustin chuckles and pulls me by his side and leads me into school . Now everyone can see us and especially his arm around my waist.

I just found out my new love for the floor. How interesting the tiles were. It was plain yet fascinating. It was a masterpiece. I was doing this to avoid having eye contact with anyone and so I was staring the life out of the floor. If the floor was alive it would think of me as a creep to just stare at the floor.

I should have just come up with an excuse of some illness to stay at home

arghhhhh but werewolves do not fall ill. I so just want to run back home and never come to school but that is not going to happen.

My life sucks.


Thanks guys for the votes and stuff.

I will edit only after I finish writing the story

Have a good day.

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