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Steva's POV

I slept and I got up at by around 2 in the morning. It was still pitch dark outside. I knew I had to go back I mean I can't hide forever. I have already skipped 2 days of school. I need to head back, so I packed my school bag which I bought with me to the tree-house. I reached my house in almost 30 minutes. That was pretty quick. I went inside my house as quietly as possible and even if I had accidentally woken up anyone they did not bother to check on me mostly they either caught my scent or they know for a fact only the family had keys to the house and you cannot enter quietly at least without the keys.

I went to my room slept for some time and then got ready for the most dreaded place presently in my life. I went downstairs to find my family in the dinning area eating breakfast and my mom giving my bro the same old lecture on ' Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. We must not miss it. It helps us a lot for example breakfast helps in our concentration......(blah),(blah),(blah)....' She rambles on and on. I missed this 

Before I can even step down the last step to the dinning area I am engulfed into a bear hug by my dad

"Whoa... dad... I-I can't breathe. T-the hug is tooo tight" I managed to squeak these words out.

My dad lets a chuckle and releases me and then his facial features turned from happiness to being strict and in control. He questions me

"Steva where the hell have you been and why did you forbid us into searching for you.Only because you'r kinda grown I let you have your way this time but please do not scare us like this again" He was almost pleading me as he got to the last part. I felt so bad for worrying my dad."Steva is there any problem is someone telling you something or bullying you. You can tell me you know. I will try my best to help you. You don't need to run away. I will do everything in my power to see you happy and not run away. You maybe grown up, but you'r still my baby girl. Sweety feel free to tell me your problems " I had tears welled up in my eyes listening to him. I was proud that my dad loved me so much.

I then smiled and assured him"Dad it is nothing like that school is great you guys are the best. It is just that I was frustrated at the amount of work I had from school and I am a teen girl I need breaks from the world every now and then. I just wanted to have some time off where I don't need to worry about getting a straight A in my test" I said the last part jokingly. I am pretty sure he was not totally convinced but he let it slide away because my mom and brother were calling out to him to give them space so that they can squeeze the life out me. I smiled goofily at my lovely family. I love them no  matter what.

I got ready and my brother gladly gave me a ride to school. No one still knew about me being Dustin's mate. Thank goodness for that cause if they knew I would have been getting hate messages and people will literally be planning on how to kill me. Oh but I did get hate messages from one person that is Emma she has been trying to contact me and ask rather demand what had happened. I was not around for just 2 days. She saw me in the hallway I guess and she started running towards me

"BITCH!!!!!  where the hell where you. you got me worried sick........" she went on cussing me. When she stopped I told her one thing" I went on a small vacation"

I decided against telling her or anyone about who my mate is for as long as possible. 

It was lunch now and I did not even get a whiff of Dustin's scent and I'm so grateful but this feeling was short lived. After 5 minutes of lunch break starting Dustin entered in all his glory and he scanned the cafeteria. His eyes settled on me for a second longer and then averted his gaze.

He went to sit at the popular's table. What he did next gave me a mini heart attack.


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