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By the time Emma and I reached home it was late so she decided that she would stay over at my house tonight.

Flashback starts

" Emma please I seriously can't wear this dress"

" Oh no Steva you will not utter another word, every dress I have shown you you had some or the other comment about it. I am not letting you choose any other dress. This is quite decent for you to wear. So no more cribbing. We are buying this dress" She said

I can bet that she muttered something like this" And the ones we just saw. We are so gonna buy  few more dresses"

Flashback ends

The next morning

I did not want to look very revealing. I know that all the populars in school wear very revealing clothes or very little clothes. If given a chance pretty sure they might not wear anything at all.

I know I am supposed to wear clothes like the populars,but I could not.....hmmmmm..... lets just say..... dare to wear such short clothing.So I picked out a little revealing but a decent looking piece of clothing.  After a lot of arguments with Emma...........might I add.

Emma woke me up an hour earlier than my usual time. She knows me too well so she bought her make up stuff along with her when she came to my house to pick me up for that wretched shopping.

She started to do some weird things to my face. It was uncomfortable in the starting but then I guess I kinda got used to it.She asked me to take a glance at myself in the mirror. and DAMN!!! The girl in the mirror was very cute. Her make-up was natural so it did not look like there was stuff caked up on her face. It was natural looking.

I was already wearing the dress (look on top for outfit) so to simply put the look in words without any exaggeration is that I was really pretty and I have the look of the 'innocent attractive' kind of look.At the same time it gave the look saying' 'don't mess with me and if you do all hell will break loose'.  All in all in the end I looked pretty.

I looked like I was confident, approachable and don't try anything stupid. I like this look. I was awestruck at the way Emma had transformed me. I looked hot in the ...good way and not the desperate for attention way. I paired the outfit with some ankle length boots with a 3 inch heel. It was black and it looked cute.

I go downstairs. My mom glances at me and she went blank and then I look at my dad and even he is blank. I then found my voice and shakily asked 

" Mom do I look bad?"

"Oh god no you look stunning" She gushed out and my dad gave me a smile which said your mom is right you look good.

I hitched a ride with Emma in her car to school.I was kind of late. We drove to school and thankfully we still had another five minutes to spare.

I climb out of the car and it was as if all the students just froze. No one moved they just kept staring in our direction and then they started to get back to normal. A few boys even wolf whistled and I just ignored them.

Charlie even came up to me and said" Damn woman you look so hot" he even winked at me. He then rest his arm around my waist. What is wrong with these boys one small change in you and they are all over you. I just wanted to play along and I said a 'thank you'and winked back at him. 

Just then we heard ... who am I kidding most probably the entire school heard  a loud threatening growl which was very powerful. I looked back to find that it was indeed Dustin and his eyes were red with anger and he looked very intimidating and dangerous.

I turned around and dragged Charlie away with me. He gave me a questioning look and I just shrugged and said that Dustin scares me. He gave me the 'really.... I don't believe you' look but dint probe into it much. I am thankful for that.

We then proceeded to our calculus class and for once I am happy to have been inside class. 

The day went by me receiving compliments and Dustin glaring into my sole everywhere I went. I literally mean the everywhere part he some how manages to appear out of nowhere to every place I go. Its like he is behind me the entire time. It is so weird and a little bit scary.


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