Chapter 2

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"Colby!" I heard someone shout from downstairs. I stood up from my chair and made my way downstairs. As I got there I heard a few voices in the kitchen.

"Colby!" The voice shouted again. This time more clearer. It was Sam. "Coming!" I shouted back at him and walked to the kitchen. "I'm here!" I exclaimed and did a jazz hands type of thing.

"We need to discuss something." Sam said and Katrina, Brennen and Corey all came in from different rooms. "Okay." I said, unsure of what we were about to discuss.

"We're all going to explore an abandoned asylum and we were wondering if you would want to come with us?" Sam asked and my eyes widened in surprise.

"I don't know dude." I said and looked to a different room. "Come on! It'll be fun!" Sam encouraged me and I looked at him with my eyebrows raised. "Fine." I huffed and everyone cheered of excitement.

I went out of the kitchen and up the stairs to my room. I searched for a bag in my closet and finally found one. It wasn't too big or small. Just the right size.

I grabbed the flashlight on my desk and threw it in my bag. I made my way down once more. Sam and Katrina were busy teasing each other. Corey and Brennen were busy being lazy and watching TV. And I was busy grabbing water bottles and throwing them into my bag.

"Are we going or what?" I asked. "Yeah, we were just waiting for you." Sam replied and they all stood up and grabbed their bags, making their way to the front door. I followed them. Sam was at the back of me.

We all got outside and Sam locked the front door. He handed me the keys of the car. We all got in and I put the car in drive.

Sam inserted the address to the asylum and we were on our way there. I didn't really want to do it. But on the other side I was excited to do it. To explore an abandoned asylum. How exciting.

Finally we made it to the asylum. The building was wrecked. There was graffiti all over the building. We were just inspecting the building from the car until Brennen broke the silence.

"Let's go!" He happily exclaimed and opened the car door, getting his bag and waiting outside for us. Corey and Katrina also climbed out followed by Sam and I.

We locked the car before walking to the building. The graffiti on the building were things like:
'Send help'
'Help us'
'666' and creepy drawings.

We got closer to the building and finally stepped inside it. Immediately the atmosphere changed. It went from nervous and excited to creeped out and weird.

We started exploring and walking through the building. In search for a water bottle I bumped into a random chair, hurting my toe. "Fuck!" I cursed under my breath.

Just then I heard a whisper coming from the other room right next to us.
We all started to get freaked out. Brennen and I decided to go and check it out, wanting to know who or what it was.

We slowly walked towards the other room and saw a figure standing there. We froze. What if it's a demon? I asked myself.

"I've got water bottles and I'm not afraid to use them." a female voice said and both Brennen and I relaxed a bit. Brennen shone the flashlight at the figure and what appeared before us was just a normal girl.

"Thank god." I said out of breath. "You scared the crap out of me." she exclaimed bringing her hand up to her chest. "You're tellin-" Brennen started to say but was cut of.

"Guys, there are literally like three cop cars outside." Corey said and his face was washed over with fear. "We need to get out of here." Katrina said.

"Who's your friend?" Sam asked.
"That's not our first priority right now, Sam!" Katrina said and was on the edge of breaking down into tears.

We all made our way to the place where we got in, with the girl following behind us. To be honest, she was very beautiful. She had nice facial features and her hair looked soft.

What am I even saying?! We're busy trying to escape from an asylum where people died and I'm thinking about the girl I just met.

I knew exploring an abandoned asylum was a bad idea.

A very bad idea.

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