Chapter 10

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As Y/N and I stare at the shadowy figure, everyone complains that they don't see anything. It was at least two more minutes before it disappeared.

"Its gone." Y/N said, still staring in disbelieve. "Till what time does this game continue?" Jake asked. "Till three thirty three a.m." Sam replied.

I checked the time. 3:34. "The game's over" I said. "But we broke the rules so its not." Y/N said. "Sam get in contact with Kat and I'll get in contact with Brennen." she continued and Sam nodded, pulling out his phone and dialling Katrina.

Y/N pulled out her phone, probably dialling Brennen and handing me the phone. The phone rang three times until he picked up. "Hello?" He said in a sleepy voice. "Brennen lock your bedroom door, the game, it's not over" I said concerned.

"Wha- what are you talking about its litterly three thirty three a.m." he sounded annoyed. "The Midnight game. We ended it wrong!" I shouted. I heard movement coming from the other side and a door being slammed shut.

"Just stay on the line with me, I'll put you on speaker." I said and put Brennen on speaker. Sam was busy speaking to Kat also putting her on speaker.

"Where is everyone?" I heard Brennen ask through the phone. "They're in Y/N's room" I replied. "Hey Colby baby" Brennen said seductively as he realised it was me speaking. I laughed.

"Why don't we put you on FaceTime?" I asked and she nodded. "Best idea you ever came up with." She said and they all laughed except for me.

I gave her a playful glare making her laugh. We dialled Brennen and Kat again but this time on FaceTime.
The rest of the time we spend it by watching a movie with Brennen and Kat still on FaceTime.

After that we talked a bit setting the mood better. Sharing jokes and just laughing about everything. Every now and then I would catch Y/N glancing at me.

I know it's only been a month that I've known her but my feelings for her have become stronger. Her smile. Eyes. Dimples. Everything. I just want to confess my feelings for her.

But what if she doesn't feel the same way. What if she already has someone else. I'm scared of rejection. I always have been. But I mean if she likes me and I like her there's nothing bad that could happen.

Except if someone comes between us. Maybe another girl. Or guy? Why am I even thinking about this?!

~time skip till 6 am~

"I think we'll be heading to bed now." Corey said as he and Devyn let out exaggerating yawns. And so they left. The one after another till it was only me and Y/N left.

"I better get going then." I said scratching the back of my neck. She nodded and I stood up about to leave her room when she stopped me.

"Colby?" She asked as I was about to leave the room. I turned around. "Yes?" I asked. "There's something I need you to know." she said and I looked at her, my eyebrows furrowed.

"Um... so... I don't really know how to tell you this." She began. "You know what. Nevermind." She said and I looked at her worried. "You know you can tell me anything right?" I asked and she nodded.

"Well goodnight Colby." She said. "Night Y/N." I said and that's when I left.


My lights were turned off and my closet followed by my windows were closed.

I lay in my bed with the comforter over my body to keep out the cold.

~40 minutes later~

I can't sleep. It feels like someone or something's watching me. From both of my windows and closet. I'm too scared to open my closet and find out. I close my eyes tight and finally fell into the darkness.

~8 am~

I woke up to a cold breeze hitting my skin. As I curl up in the comforter I notice that both my windows are wide open. For interest I turn around and notice that my closet door is also a few centimeters open. Maybe someone's just messing with me? But what if they're not?

I jump up and close the windows followed by my closet and get ready for the day.

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