Chapter 3

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They all started running towards their car and for my luck I didn't have a car so I had to run to my house. I ran for my life not wanting the cops to catch me and put me in jail for trespassing a property clearly saying 'NO TRESPASSING'.

I started running looking for a way to escape out of the site of the cops. I looked behind my shoulder and saw no cops or cop cars, but only a car passing by.

I continued running. I ran for minutes now when I stopped to catch a breath. The car I saw before was slowly passing by and stopped right in front of me. I stopped to see what or in fact who would pull over.

The car door opened and I saw the people who I saw back in the asylum. "Want a lift?" The guy with blonde hair asked and I hesitated at first.
"The cops are litterly on their way here." another guy said but he had really dark brown hair.

I could hear cop sirence from far, but coming closer by every passing second. "Sure." I nod gratefully before hopping in and sitting at the back of the large but stylish car.

"Nice car." I said and the guy next to me thanked me, saying it's his. I notice that the guy and girl in front of me were cuddling, probably a couple.
"I'm Y/N." I said and greeted them.

"I'm Brennen " said the guy driving the car. "The name's Corey." said the guy in the passengers seat. "Sam." said the guy in front of me. "I'm Katrina." said the girl also in front of me. "And I'm Colby. Nice to meet you." the guy next to me said and held out his hand for me to shake which I gladly did.

His smile was extravagant. It showed off his dimples and perfect teeth. His eyes were the brightest and was sparkling like mad. It could light up the entire dark universe, by just one, and one simple look only.

"What are you doing here at three a.m. exploring an abandoned asylum?" Brennen asked and I stared out the window while explaining.

"I have this YouTube channel and I do crazy shit, like these three a.m. challenges, Ouija board videos, terrifying things, exploration videos and also pranks. So what's better to come and explore an abandoned asylum at three a.m. all alone?" I said and they all let out chuckles.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked them in return. "Same as you actually." Colby answered and I looked at him surprised. "You all have YouTube channels? And you do these challenges and exploration videos? 3 am challenges?" I kept asking, curious to know.

"Yep." Colby and Brennen answered almost in unison. We all talked about our YouTube channels until it came to me. "How much subscribers do you have?" Katrina asked. "Probably something over the 994 K." I answered and they all looked at me in shock.

"Almost to a million!" Sam exclaimed, excited for my part. "Why'd you come alone?" Katrina asked. "All my friends bailed on me. None of them have the actual guts to do any of these things with me. So I do it alone and risk my life. Exciting, right?" I said sarcastically.

"Very." Corey said, joining in on my sarcasm. "We're going to our place. Mind crashing there tonight?" Sam asked. "Oh it's fine. I'll walk." I said and smiled.

"No. This'll give us all a chance to become friends. Seeing we already have some things in common." Sam continued and he had a point. We do have things in common and could get along well enough.

I shook my head not really wanting to crash at their place. "We insist." Katrina said and I couldn't say no. I could make friends with people who actually do these stupid challenges with me. People who could risk their lives with me in the future. "Well if you insist." I said and they all cheered.

Soon we ended up stopping in front of a gate followed by an amazing two story house. Or should I say mansion. It was beautiful. "We should warn you." Corey started saying. "The house is haunted." he continued.

I think they were expecting a shocked or scared expression but I was shockingly calm. "No worries. Mine is too." I added and they all began to laugh. "Should've guessed." Colby said and we all laughed again.

We all went in the house. It was huge. There wasn't as much furniture as I thought there would be.  "Not all the roommates are here. Some of them are out God knows where." Colby said and sat his bag neatly down onto the ground.

"Devyn! Elton! We have someone you should meet! She's very nice!" Sam yelled to the people from upstairs.
Immediately they both came down and stood in front of me. "Hi, I'm Y/N." I introduced myself while shaking their hands.

"I'm Devyn, Corey's girlfriend." she introduced herself, giving me a welcoming smile. "I'm Elton, Colby's boyfriend." he introduced himself. For a minute I was a bit disappointed, finding out Colby is gay.

"Hey, hey, back off. Colby is mine. And only mine." Brennen said and hugged Colby. I now knew that this was just a joke. We all burst out in fits of laughter. "My God." I said and let out a few chuckles before calming down.

They offered me things to drink and a seat on the couch, which I gladly accepted. We all learned a lot more about each other. Turns out one of their roommates moved back to their home country and now they're looking for a new roommate.

They offered me the room. "I'll think about it. My answer would probably be a yes seeing we have a lot in common and that we are so comfortable with each other after just meeting." I said and they all got excited.

"Let us know if you can please." Devyn said, cuddled up against Corey. The two look so cute. "Sure thing." I said. "I must get going." said a sleepy Brennen.

After we said our goodbyes he left and we all went up to our rooms, except me. "I'll sleep on this couch." I said pointing to the couch in the TV room, where we've been chilling for the past hours.

"Trust me, this room is haunted." Colby insisted for me to sleep in his room. "No it's fine, really." I said. "As you wish." he said, shrugging his shoulders and switching off the light and heading up to his room.

This house gave me the same creepy vibe as my house did. With the pillow under my head and a blanket over my body, I started watching an episode of Family Guy.

The remote that switched the TV on and off was right next to the TV. Suddenly the TV switched off and back on. I was startled at first.

I heard footsteps at the other side of the room. Someone's probably messing with me, I thought.
"Run." I heard a whisper right next to my ear. My heart started beating faster by every passing second.

My chest felt heavy. I ran up the stairs and saw Colby's light on and thought of hiding in there. I felt a sharp pain on my arm but I couldn't stop. I heard, saw and felt something that no one could explain.

I ran up to the stairs, almost tripping over my own feet. I finally made it upstairs. I once again ran to Colby's room, hoping he was in there to help me. I looked over my shoulder.

Nothing was behind me.

But there was definitely something.

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