Chapter 45

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The following weeks consisted of a strong chemo; helping the very ill girl just a little bit. Colby's weeks were filled with fingernail biting, back and forth pacing in the hospital room while his girlfriend was asleep, crying, depression and minimal of filming for his YouTube channel.

And yes of course Colby and Y/N told all the roommates including their close friends and Colby's relatives. Y/N has never met Colby's mom or dad; she's been craving to meet them through all the positive stories Colby's has told her, mostly about his mom; but seeing herself in the hospital bathroom's mirror; the state she was in; made her regret her words she had told Colby last month before finding out about her leukemia state.

She soon went back to bed and began drifting off into a deep sleep. Her thoughts woke her out of her sleep when she started thinking of Colby's future. She knew she was going to die; because she didn't want to go through with all these chemo treatments.

She wanted Colby to be happy when she's gone; and as much as it pained her; she wanted him to move on with another girl. I mean, she hated the thought of him being with someone else, but she also hated the thought of him mourning by her grave everyday.

A single tear slipped down her cheek but she quickly wiped it away when she spotted Colby's face near her door. She did like every teenager did when they were on their phones in late nights and their parents so happen to come inside. She faked her sleep.

Then she heard a few sounds and felt a kiss placed on her plump lips; her cold hand being held in warm one's. Just as she thought it was her signal to waking up, she heard more footsteps walking in her hospital room.

"Where should I put these?" A female voice asked.

"Uhm... just put them in the vase there."

"I'm sorry your dad couldn't make it. He said he'll try to see you somewhere around this month or he'll just FaceTime yo-"

"Mom, it's fine. I actually called you here to meet this beaut. I think she'll be stunned to see you here. I mean, she's been asking to meet you since last month." he laughed.

A few minutes passed with Colby and his mother small talking about random things; it made Y/N feel a bit guilty since she's hearing everything they're saying, but they don't know she's conscious and listen to every single word.

She then heard the door close.

"You can open your eyes, I know you're awake." the same female voice from earlier said.

Y/N slowly opened her eyes and when she saw Colby's mother in front of her, she immediately felt guilty and her heart started pounding against her ribcage. But it of course was heard on the heart monitor.

"You can relax, darling." she laughed and took a seat next to her. "I'm just here to talk."


"Did she give you a lecture about to never bre-"

"Colby, we need to talk."

"Alright, let's talk then." he said with a smile, taking a seat next to her and grabbing a hold of her.

"In all seriousness," she untangled their fingers and placed her hand back on her stomach. "I can't do this."

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