Chapter 16

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"Why don't we go to an abandoned asylum?" He asked. "Okay." I replied.
We made it to the abandoned asylum with the crew. Weird shit happened.

All of sudden there were rainbows everywhere. "You want cookie?" Someone asked me. I turned around and saw a familiar face. It was cookie monster from sesame street.

"Yes please." I said and took the cookie he was holding in his hand. I nibbled on it before eating the whole thing at once.

Ring ring. Ring ring. Ring ring. My eyes shot open at the sound of my phone ringing. Before I could do anything else I thought about the weird dream I just had.

I looked at the time. 4:26. Great. Colby was calling me. I picked up the phone still half asleep. "Hello?" I said through the phone a yawn escaping my lips. "Hello baby. So you know I'm in Japan with Elton, Brennen and Jay right?" He asked. He sounded a bit worried.

I hummed in response. "So we're at the airport about to scan in and my passport just isn't in my bag." he said and I felt worry wash over me. "What? Ok don't stress. Are you sure it isn't someone that's like playing a prank on you?" I asked.

"I asked them but they said they aren't. I don't know what to do. If I don't have a passport I can't get a hotel." he began stressing. I pulled the blanket aside, switching on the light and rushing to Colby's closet.

"Ok don't worry. I'm busy packing a bag right now. I'll try to get the earliest flight to Japan as soon as possible." I began saying as I pulled random clothes out of the closet and throwing it into the bag.

"I don't know what to do. I'm only going to be able to get a new passport in about twenty four hours" he began panicking. "Please don't panic. You'll make me panic. I'll be there with you as soon as possible." I insured him.

I heard Elton's voice in the background seeking permission to tell me something. "Yes." I heard Colby say. "Hello Y/N." Elton began. "I just wanted to let you know team Elton." he said and I felt anger wash over me.

"Oh my God! Y/N baby! It was a prank!" Colby shouted into the phone.
"So you wake me up at fucking four a.m. to stress the shit out of me and prank me?" I asked frustrated.

"No. It wasn't me who pranked you it was Elton. I didn't know about this." he said and I could see the weird smile growing on his face. "I'm extremely sorry to have woken you up." he apologised.

"Yeah whatever. I'm getting you back for this." I said. "It wasn't me it was Elton!" I heard him say. "We seriously need to check in now so I'll speak to you later baby." he said and I felt a yawn take over my mouth.

"Okay. Tell that asshole that he'll be getting what he deserves when he gets back. Love you." I said. I heard laughter coming from the other side.
"Love you too baby." he said and I hung up, putting my phone on lock and leaving it on my bed.

I left the suitcase there where I started packing my things before switching off the light and laying back down in my bed.

At least my baby is safe.

He'll finally be coming home.

Where he belongs.


I heard Y/N hung up. I feel really bad for waking her up. "Elton I can't believe you did that to me! You litterly made me call Y/N at four a.m.! She's probably pissed right now!" I playfully shouted at him.

"At least your girlfriend has a kind heart." Brennen said. "Did she litterly start packing her bags to fly to Japan just for you?" Elton asked. "Yes." I responded proud of her. "Why?" Jay asked.

"Because the loves me!" I shouted. "I was litterly so close to crying!" I admitted holding my thumb and index finger close to each other. "You were so calm." Brennen added. "Well I was trying to stay calm." I said.

"I was litterly thinking the situation through. Every person that we met I would call. I don't know where I would've slept. I was actually just going to stay on the streets if I had to!" I said.

"I better text Y/N." I added as we made it in the plane and took our seats.

Colby: baby! I'm so extremely sorry for
            waking you up. I didn't know
            it was a prank. Jay was in it too.
             I'll be seeing you in a few
            hours!💙 looking forward to it!
            have a good rest further. I'll see
            you in the morning! I love ya'

I hit the send button and see that Y/N is typing a reply. Well wasn't that quick!

Y/N💙: babe! It's fine. I understand
             that it is the prank wars and  Elton
             had to get you good if he
             wants to go to Hawaii.🏝 Jay'll
             also be getting it! Can't wait to
             see you again. Don't think I'll be
             sleeping much more. See you
             later babe! Love ya' too!😘🤘

I smiled at her reply before plugging in my earphones and listening to Y/N's covers that I downloaded.

I close my eyes and relax in my seat as the plane took off and I set for the long journey ahead.

Where I will finally be coming home to my baby.

Where I belong.

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