Chapter 44

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"Leukemia?" The words questioningly left the frozen boys mouth; widen eyes with glistening tears about to fall out and glide across his cheeks.

"I probably should've told you before we shagged each other." She looked down as a pang of sadness and guilt washed over her sick, tiring and bare body.

No words left his mouth except a cry for help which turned into uncontrollable sobs and hiccups. The way he cried about her; or maybe his mistake of f.ucking her before finding out about her illness; made the poor girl cry as well.

"I need to get out of here." He said as he struggled getting in his tight jeans and white v-neck shirt. She, obviously, didn't want him to go because of the uncured illness she has. She tried to stop him, but he, having more power pushed his way around her trying his best not to hurt her; he still loved her even if she had leukemia. But she didn't know.

Throughout the whole day she locked herself up in her room while he was driving around California; trying to set his mind on what the right way was so handle the situation and he knew how he left things wasn't the best solution. He knew his girlfriend needed his support.

While the two went their separate ways; him driving and her locked up in her room; the roommates obviously got curious for their strange behaviour. They craved for the reason Colby left the house all of a sudden and why his girlfriend was avoiding everyone.

So, Devyn took everything she had in her; her roommates and boyfriend counting on her; and went up to talk to her best friend. As she expected, she didn't answer the door, instead she ignored her completely.

As Devyn went to knock for probably the hundredth time after giving up for ten minutes; the door opened a bit; revealing the girl with the sickness only she, her doctor and Colby knew of.

When she saw Devyn with a slight smile awaiting her presence, she immediately closed the door; before she could lock it Devyn pushed it open; almost pushing her out the way. But Y/N thought she was smarter than Devyn; so she tested her instincts.

She pushed passed Devyn; following her boyfriends moves and rushed downstairs; grabbing her keys and exiting the house. After she got in her car she sped off; going somewhere; a place that makes her a little happier than she is.

She parked her car on the tar parking lot and got out; being hit with the sudden cold breeze making her regret to forget a jacket. She sound of waves crashing on the sand made her feel some what calmer than before.

She took a deep breath of the smell of the ocean and let out a relaxing exhale. She kept her eyes closed for a short period of time; hoping to just clear her mind. Then she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist.

It did give her quite a fright but she didn't have enough energy to open her eyes and turn around to whoever was touching her body. The person tucked their head in between her head and shoulder; taking in the scent of her hair or body, maybe both.

"I'm sorry." Then she knew who it was. She stayed silent. "I shouldn't have run off like that; I should've been there to support you and tell you that everything's going to be fine and that'll we'll get though this no matter what, but I was too busy being selfish and worrying about my future to realise that."

She continued to stay silent; she knew what he said was true and she kind of felt her heart swell at his choice of words.

"You know you could've left me? It's like, as soon as you tell someone about your illness, they see you more as a disease than a person." She said and felt him shake his head where he had placed it a few minutes ago.

"I don't want to leave you, doesn't matter if you're sick. And I don't see you as a disease, I see you as the most wonderful thing that has ever happen to me." He said as he spun her around, taking a hold of her hands and looking in her sparkling eyes.

She snorted at his cheesy words which placed a small smile on his lips. He brought her freezing body closer to him; his body heat warning up the poor cold body. She snaked her arms around his neck whilst his were loosely around her waist.

She leaned her head on his chest and closed her eyes for once more. He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head. "I love you." He whispered and rested his head on hers. "Through sickness and health." She felt a smile play on her lips as he said those words.

"Love you, too." She said.

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