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(Based on a true story about me)

Your POV

"Miss, the baby-" Dr. Jones started but I cut him off.

"Do what you have to!" I groaned, the baby girl struggling inside me.

The doctor nodded and cut open my stomach. No anesthesia at all. I don't know what's happening to the baby, I don't know anything of what was happening. All I could think of was the pain engulfing my entire body. The pain is unbearable.

Shawn's POV

I ran to where Y/n was and the first thing I saw were her guts and blood splattered everywhere. (My Dad 😂) I almost gagged.

Y/n's POV

I opened my eyes to my baby girl crying.

"Happy and healthy. Congratulations. She almost didn't make it." Dr. Jones said.

"Can I hold her?" I asked reaching out.

"Of course." Dr. Jones smiled as he handed me my precious baby girl.

I held her and she was just precious. I looked up as I heard a knock on the door frame. It was Shawn.

"Wanna hold your baby girl, Shawny boy?" I giggled.

Shawn smiled as he held her.

"What should we name her?" Shawn asked.

"I was thinking Aaliyah Marie Mendes." I replied.

"That sounds like a perfect name." Shawn said.

I can't believe this actually happened.

Story time!

When I was born, I almost didn't make it. The cord that fed me was choking me and the doctors had to get me out, fast. They had to cut open my mother's stomach open to get me out. In at least 10 or so minutes they got me out and I was born on August 2nd, 2005. I had a medical condition to where my skin turned yellow, but I'm fine now. If it weren't for those doctors, I wouldn't be here right now. Not making friends, not writing on Wattpad, not getting to enjoy life. Unfortunately, a cousin of mine didn't get to experience these same things, because he had the same thing happen to him and didn't make it. Love every single moment of life. Even if it is a bad moment, learn from it and move on because there is so much more in store for you if you just push forward. If you know someone who is going to or thinking about attempting suicide, share this story with them. No matter what anyone says, you are perfect in your own way. I love you. Don't forget that.

Wow that was a deep story time. Anyways here's a Shawn Mendes vid to lift up your spirits!

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