nightmares | p.p.

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word count: 484prompt: "I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere

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word count: 484
prompt: "I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere."
warnings: a little fluff, sadness, and mentions of death and a short chapter

"It's not real. It's not real." You whispered encouraging words to your reflection in the mirror. Your phone was buzzing on the vanity counter, slightly moving with every ring. "Peter's fine."

As soon as you let out a shaky breath, the buzzing stopped. The contact name was gone and the screen was blank. You sighed with relief and turned on the sink. You weren't entirely sure who was calling, but it definitely wasn't Peter.

Delicately, you splashed yourself with water and picked up your phone. You swiftly noticed that your hands were violently shaking. On instinct, you locked the bathroom door and sat in the bathtub.

Clicking on Peter's icon, you quickly started to press on your keyboard, making spelling mistakes every second but you didn't care. You only wanted Peter.

Y/n: come over. 1:32
please. 1:34

Peter: is everything okay? 1:36

Y/n: not really 1:37

Peter: I'm already on my way. 1:38

You could feel the warm tears rolling down your face only a few minutes after your short conversation with Peter.

The things that appeared in your dreams almost always seemed as if it was real, and often, your mind convinced you that the horrific events were real. Dreams that woke up in an emotional mess were involving Peter.

Ever since he had revealed that he was Spider-Man to you, you always seemed to dream about what could go wrong in all of his crime-fighting scenarios. He usually ends up not winning and being left for dead.

It's almost as if someone was putting those images in your mind. You had never thought about the events that happened in your dreams when you were awake, fortunately.

A knock on your window brought a pang of fear through your mind, thinking of the worst.

You turned around and saw Peter already sliding up the window. You sighed in relief when you saw that he was okay, that he was your Peter.

As you looked over his perfect condition, tears started to come out of your eyes and sobs escaping your lips.

Peter ran over to you, carefully wrapping his arms around you. Words that you couldn't comprehend started pouring out of your mouth.

"I-I had a nightmare an-and you died," you whispered through sobs, "please promise me that won't ever happen."

His grip tightened as soon as he heard the words that escaped your lips, practically heartbroken that your dream was the worst fear that he had.

"Hey. I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere."

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wow okay, that was horrible. I keep having these good chapter ideas but they don't work out lmao


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