Persuasion ⇝ Peter

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PROMPT ▻ persuasion WORD COUNT ▻ 640

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PROMPT ▻ persuasion

" it's the least you could do "

You and MJ walked down the hallway side by side, heading to the pool for a late-night swim. You stopped in your tracks when you were in front of Peter and Ned's door. MJ smiled at you, knowing how much you liked him. She followed the rest of the group, telling you that she'd meet you down at the pool after you talked to Peter.

Taking a deep breath, you knocked on the door. Not even thirty seconds passed before Peter opened the door. You smiled and waved, earning a grin from him and a wave from Ned in the back of the room.

"Hey, um, we're all heading down to the pool and I'd love it if you joined us?" You asked. Your hands were fidgeting maybe a little too much. Peter smiled at you, liking your nervous state. "It's the least you could do for m-us considering that you abandoned us last year."

Peter's lips twisted up into an adorable smile, taking one of your delicate hands in his. Your eyebrows connected in confusion, wondering what he was exactly doing by kissing your hand and looking at you with drama written all over his face. His voice went a little lower than usual. "Only if you're going to be there."

You tried to not let s laugh come out of your lips, motioning for the swimsuit you had on. "I mean, yeah, that's kind of the point of a swimsuit. For swimming." You politely pulled your hand out of his, liking him being sweet but not sure about the weird little get-up he was trying to portray.

Peter held up a finger, telling you to wait there for a minute. He didn't shut the door all the way, allowing you to hear every bit of his conversation. "Mr. Stark told me that would work! Why didn't it work?" You rolled your eyes.

"Maybe because you sounded like a murderer?" Ned asked, earning a quiet laugh from you. You could hear Peter shuffling through his suitcase impeccably fast. "Plus, you're not Tony Stark."

Peter shushed Ned before opening the door again, now in his swimsuit. He bid his goodbye to Ned, him giving you a wave back. You smiled, telling him not to forget about the decathlon tomorrow. Peter shut the door once again, now looking you with love-filled eyes. "That little thing there was pretty cute. But don't to that ever again." You joked.

Peter nodded, agreeing with your statement completely. "Agreed. I only did that because I took one piece of advice from Mr. Stark." You stopped walking again, now turning towards Peter.

"Just be yourself, Pete. I actually like you for you," you explained. Peter smiled widely, taking your hand in his. He was so relieved that he didn't have to go through all the awkwardness of trying to win your affection. The two of you had had feelings for each other since you met, meaning three years.

There was a lot of stopping in the hallway by now, the two of you pausing a few feet away from the pool door, where your friends were watching with proud faces. Peter was now holding your hand properly, pulling you into him. A delicate smile was on his face, looking at your - once again - confused expression.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked, voice just above a whisper. Your heart melted completely, realizing that you like this boy with all your heart. Nodding, he leaned in, lips connecting with yours. After all, it was your first kiss with each other. A few seconds passed by before you heard your friends' cheers from inside the pool, earning a smile from both of you.

"C'mon, we have a pool party to get to, Spider-Boy."

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