three a.m. | h.o.

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➟ word count: 1161➟ prompt: "I love you with all my heart

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word count: 1161
prompt: "I love you with all my heart."
warnings: w o w a lot of fluff (also soz for doing a double Haz imagine lmao, he deserves so much love)

You felt content and at peace for once in your life. Harrison's arm was carefully wrapped around you, engulfing you in a sea of warmth. Your head was on his chest and you could feel his chest slightly rise with every breath he took, your hair merely moving around with every exhale.

This is what you loved about him. It was quite silly, actually. Harrison was up for anything as long as it was with you. Want to go ice skating? He doesn't know how but he'll go for you. Want to adopt a dog? He'll do it. As long as he's with you, there's nothing he wouldn't do. All he wanted is to see that beautiful smile of yours, the smile that was because of him.

It was three in the morning and you couldn't sleep, even if you tried. So, Harrison quickly noticed your cold body away from his, and almost immediately turned the light on. He perched himself on his elbow, all the while lovingly staring at you.

That look. Oh, you were practically putty in his hands when he gave you those sparkling, baby green eyes. All his emotions were visible through his eyes. You could always tell when he was feeling sad, happy, lustful and calm. He never would need some type of mood ring.

"You can't sleep, huh?" He asked, brushing a stray strand of your messy y/h/c behind your ear.

You hummed in response, melting into his warm touch. All you wanted was to be wrapped up in his arms again, hoping that you could fall into a deep slumber. Instead of letting you pass out, Harrison grabbed the remote from the bedside table. His fingers trailing up to the power button, static immediately filling the television hung on your wall.

You were too busy noticing how perfectly the television illuminated his features to notice him open up the YouTube app. You could slowly feel yourself drowning in tiredness, only longing for the security and comfort of his arms.

Before he could press the play button, he stood up from the bed, placing his arms underneath your knees and behind your back. Harrison carefully lifted you up from the comfort of your bed, treating you as if you were a fragile porcelain doll.

He carried you to the kitchen, softly setting you down on the island in the middle of the kitchen. You could feel your lips curve up into a smile when you saw Haz reach into the fridge and take out the whipped cream can.

"So, you brought me out of the comfort and security of our bed at three in the morning to grab some whipped cream?" You asked, snatching the can out of his hands.

You took off the top of the can, spraying a small amount of whipped cream in your mouth. You let out a small laugh when you realized the severity of the situation. Here you two were, two adults that had been dating for a few years, sitting in the kitchen and eating whipped cream.

"Precisely," He replied, setting the sweet topping down on the counter. "You know I love you with all my heart, right?"

You hummed in response. Harrison stood in between your legs, his hands on your hips and yours wrapped around his neck. He gazed down, lips ghosting over yours. You leaned forward, connecting your lips together.

It was almost as if you two were made for each other. Your lips fit together perfectly, and you hands locked together like puzzle pieces. He was made for you, and you for him. You loved him more than you thought you could ever love someone.

Before you met Harrison, you were doubtful that you could ever find a person so perfect for you. But then you booked an acting role with Tom Holland, eventually leading up to the meeting of you and Haz.

"And I love you," you went in for one last kiss, "sometimes a little more than others."

You could feel the vibration in the kiss from Harrison's light chuckle. He pulled back, stealing a quick glance at the clock and then slowly pulling you off of the counter. You gasped at the cold floor coming in contact with your feet, now feeling wide awake.

He laughed, quickly stopping when he realized your small, unmeaningful glare at him. Clearing his throat, he started to fidget with his hands, something he only did when he was nervous.

"I was hoping I could wait until Christmas but I honestly can't." Harrison explained, putting his hand in the pocket of his sweatpants. There was only two days until the holidays, what could he not wait for?

"We've been together for years now. And I love you with all my heart. I appreciate every crazy antic you've assisted me in, and I appreciate that you let me love you," he continued, you could see the rare tears spring into his eyes. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I'd promise to love you forever as I'd live. I love you, y/n."

He pulled out a small, velvet box from his pocket, completed with a gorgeous ring sitting in the center. You quickly recognized it as one you had pointed out to him when you two were roaming around the mall, right after your first year anniversary.

"I-I got this the day after you showed me.  I automatically knew you were the one that I wanted to marry. You're my world. I stole your heart, and now it's time you stole my last name."

You smiled, feeling the tears start to form in your eyes, too. You loved this man kneeling in front of you with all your heart, and you couldn't wait to create a future with him. Mentally noting to thank Tom for introducing you two, you hooked two of your fingers underneath Harrison's chin, completely forgetting about the ring.

You softly pressed your lips to his in a love-filled kiss, nothing but happiness filling your tired mind.

"I'd love to marry you, Haz." You whispered.

Letting out a small giggle, Harrison quickly slid the ring on your finger and picked you up. He pressed dozens of sleepy kisses on your face, not regretting things one bit. From the moment you said yes to marrying him, he promised himself that he would make your world ten times better. He promised to make you have the best life with him.

don't forget to vote, comment, and share, loves. It means a lot 💓

There's so many holidays coming up and I'm honestly not ready at all sksksjsk

It's the day before christmas break and both of my morning classes today are watching movies yayaya

-meg ♡

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