soulmates | p.p.

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word count: 795prompt: "You're

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word count: 795
prompt: "You're.. my soulmate."
warnings: none (also I keep making the reader Tony's daughter oops)

The black ink neatly printed on Peter's arm seemed to become more vivid. The letters seemed to sparkle under the sunlight, almost begging him to find his soulmate so the sentence can leave his skin.

"Don't be a dipshit."

It was quite annoying and embarrassing when he'd wear short sleeves or go swimming; mothers with children would glare at him in disapproval of his soulmate. Most of the time, he would forget that the sentence was tattooed on his arm and usually went out unbeknownst to his tattoo.

"Can this person honestly just call me a dipshit so this tattoo can get off of me?" Peter whisper-yelled, searching around the room for someone who could be looking his way.

"Don't be a dipshit." Peter's eyes doubled in size, looking around but quickly seeing Ned burst into laughter. Looking down at his wrist, he was glad to see that the tattoo wasn't fading.

As soon as the bell rang, Peter was up and out of the school. Bumping into someone, he didn't remember to say a simple apology. When the person dropped her books, she mumbled a few curses before replying to him.

"Don't be a dipshit, Parker!" Her voice reached all the way to the football field, where Flash Thompson lay in a heap of laughter.

On instinct, Peter looked down at his wrist, expecting to see nothing. He was surprised when he saw the ink slowly fading but then coming back. Looking over his shoulder, he saw the very last second of the girl smile and turn around, getting into what looked like an expensive car.

He smiled to himself, telling himself to remember the y/h/c girl with the blue backpack.

※ ※ ※

Y/n sat on her neatly made bed, her fingers delicately tracing the ink lining her arm. "I have homework." In her mind, she was hoping that her soulmate wouldn't find her until she was older, but another part of her wanted to find him right here and right now. Your father, however, would probably disapprove of you having a boyfriend wether it was your soulmate or not.

Maybe he was the geeky kid in your algebra class, or maybe he was the skater [boi] guy that you always saw at the skate park. Or maybe it was the brown short-haired boy who sat across from you in chemistry.

You thought you saw your tattoo fade back in and out but you pushed it aside, wondering if it was just your eyesight. You jumped off of your bed when someone knocked on your door.

"Y/n? Do you still not want to come and recruit that spider-ling?" Your father asked, hoping to get some time with his daughter.

"Uh," you thought for a minute. You had no homework, no friends to hang out with. It was depressing, really. "I'll tag along. I'll be downstairs in a minute."

※ ※ ※

As much as you hated going out on a school night, you had hardly seen your father in a while. You usually found him working in the garage or in the lab. Pepper just gave up midway through and just decided to sleep. You loved Pepper with all your heart, but sometimes she got on your nerves.

Looking around the small room, you decided to snoop around a little until your father convinced the spider to help with proving a point to Steve. Proving a point my ass. You thought as you ran your fingers across the old keyboards sat on his desk. Turns out, the Spider-Man was the quiet Peter Parker. Who would've thought.

"I can't." You heard the boy squeak, "I-I have homework!"

"Don't be a dipshit." You spoke, feeling completely fed up with his excuses. "Just join the team, they need someone because I don't agree with this bulls-"

"You're... my soulmate." Peter interrupted you, looking from his tattoo to you and back again.

You carefully rolled up your sleeve, surprised to see your tattoo gone. You looked up at your father, who seemed like he was in shock too.

"Well now you have to be on the team. You're literally my son in-law." He laughed.

You still stood near the window, still surprised that the boy who sat across from you in chemistry was now your soulmate; meaning there was a 99% chance you would marry him.


feel free to vote, comment, and share, loves. It means a lot 💓

Hey loves, I'm emotionally deceased and I'm actually so tired omg. I also presented by myself on Monday and I'm so proud of myself lmao


-meg ♡

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