take me out | h.o.

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word count: 746prompt: "So much talk and swear that's all you ever do"warnings: none (also this is highschool!harrison)

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word count: 746
prompt: "So much talk and swear that's all you ever do"
warnings: none (also this is highschool!harrison)

You sighed, stepping inside of the place you knew as Hell. The scent of teenage angst and emotion slithered in through the school, the least snake related thing in this whole school. There was not one thing in the whole building that could ever change your view on education.

In all honesty, you just wanted to get through the best grades you can and get out of the place. Sure, you had a few friends, but you weren't entirely fond of them.

"Hey, y/n! How was your weekend?" A voice called out, pressing their body onto the locker next to mine.

"I guess it was okay, I spent the weekend with Tom and his family," You explained, placing your history textbooks back into your locker and replacing the empty space in your arms with your algebra book. "Before you ask, no, we're not dating nor plan to. He's like my brother."

She sighed in defeat. "You got me there, but you should at least meet his friend Harrison. He's pretty nice."

You laughed, shutting your locker and setting the lock on the second number for more convenience. Remembering the last time you were around Harrison Osterfield was something you constant were remembering to forget.

"I have, and it wasn't pleasant," you joked, walking down the hallway and towards the both of your next classes. She motioned for you to explain further, seeming that you had about an hour to get to class. Senior privileges were the best thing you could ask for. "Wanna get coffee and we talk about it there?"

She eagerly nodded, her eyes lighting up at the simple thought of drama and coffee. Surprisingly, there was a large amount of seats open in the cafe, making your explanation get more better, since no one would hear your gossip. You both sat down, and in no time, you realized you spoke too soon.

Harrison, Tom, and their clique of fake fame-thirsty friends had filed into the shop, finding places to sit relatively close to you. You let out a groan, pulling out your phone and planning to text her everything that happened.

Today 1:25 pm

So apparently, their clique has to get coffee the time I'm gossiping. Okay lmao 💀💀

Y/f/n 🔌💜
It's totally fine just explain and we'll be cool, yk

Uhm okay
I feel weird texting about it when he's right there's jsksjsj

Y/f/n 🔌💜
Oh lord just spill the tea or I'm suing 🐸☕️

Ok so basically he talks a lot. We had to do a project last week and he actually COULD NOT stop talking

Yeah, he's cute but he did no work and all four of us got a 20 out of 30 which, may I add, is a 66%

Y/f/n 🔌💜
Omg wait i remember that, noah fence, by that was a disaster 🚫🙅‍♀️

Oh shit turn off your phone bc he's making his way over here

You suddenly felt a light tap on your shoulder. Fearfully, you turned around to face the person that ripped your attention from gossip. In front of you stood the person you least expected, Harrison Osterfield. He smiled as soon as you looked away, nervous that he somehow saw your conversation.

It's not that you didn't enjoy his talking, but sometimes it got a bit off topic. He would talk about the thing you're working on, then completely drift off into another. Sure, maybe it was just what humans do, but it sure seemed agonizing in your eyes.

"Hey, y/n. Can I, uh, talk to you for a second?" He questioned, motioning to a table more secluded then you were now. You looked back at y/f/n. She nodded, a smile starting to faintly appear. Carefully and slowly, you made your way to the table.

Of course, Harrison just had to sit in the chair that allowed him to glow. His green eyes were perfectly vibrant and his face was just-ugh.

As soon as you sat down, Tom's voice rang through the room. "Harrison! When you gonna take her out?"

You looked back at Harrison, a small smile playing on your face.

"Yeah, Haz, when you gonna take me out?"

don't forget to vote, comment, and share, loves. It means a lot 💓

I 'm so tired and it's only Monday sjsksjksjs

It's almost a Christmas, I'm freaking out. I have to stay after school for Biology and I truly do not want to stay. I want to go hommmme

-meg ♡

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