unusual ▻ peter

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PROMPT ▻ unusualWORD COUNT ▻ 624

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PROMPT ▻ unusual

" are you sure we're
not going to get arrested? "

You and Peter had both finally finished your exams, meaning that school was over. But apparently the school didn't think so, for some reason, school stayed in session for two more days. It didn't make sense, considering that you had nothing to learn.

After the school day was over, you went over to Peter and his aunt's apartment, just wanting to hang out. However, your idea of hanging out was laying in the bottom bed of his bunk bed while watching television and telling jokes; something the two of you always did. But as soon as your heads hit the pillows, you were both knocked out.

When Peter shook you awake, you noticed that the clock on his nightstand was reading six in the morning. Not wanting to get up, there was an idea - a crazy one at that - that happened to pop into your head.

Still laying on Peter's shoulder, you asked him about your idea. "What If we skipped today? We have literally nothing to do at school, and I'm sure no one would notice." Peter's sleepy eyes opened all the way, looking into your y/e/c eyes.

Sure, he skipped school multiple times to deal with wanted criminals that were roaming around the streets, but he never skipped for fun. Although, what's one day of useless school when there's nothing going on?

"y/n, if we skip, my only requirement is that we stop somewhere with ice cream or something," he stated, a spark of hope in his eyes. In reply, you nodded in excitement, thinking of all the places you could spend your 'day off.' "But first, I need more sleep."


"Now, you're sure we're not going to get arrested?" Peter hesitantly asked, unbuckling his seatbelt and taking the key out of the ignition. You let out a small laugh, adoring the way he got worried over, practically nothing.

"I'm sure, Pete," you stopped your sentence short when he got out of the car. Wondering where he was going, you stayed put. As soon as he traveled to your side of the car, your heart completely melted. He opened up the door for you, holding out a hand for you to take. As soon as you were out, he shut the door and you pressed a light kiss on his cheek. "Thank you, I'm so lucky I have you."

He smiled back, taking your hand and leading you to who knows where. Fortunately enough, anywhere on the beach was a wonderful place to be. You noticed a few kids from your classes sitting in the sand, meaning that you weren't the only one with the idea of going to the beach on an ninety-degree day.

You watched as the water ran up on the sand, then going back to its home. Peter took your attention away by capturing your lips with his, a smile appearing into the kiss. When you pulled back with a huge grin on your face, you noticed an ice cream truck in front of you - one that you had always loved when you were little.

"I found the ice cream." Peter stated, looking at the pictures of the variety they had. Surprisingly, they had the same ones that you used to love when you were little, giving you a huge sense of nostalgia.

Once Peter handed you your ice cream, you both walked hand in hand to the edge of the shore, the waves calming both of your down and giving you a sense of comfort. He let go of your hand and slung it around your shoulder, leaning his head on yours.

"Best skip day ever. Thank you, my love."

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