promises (part two) | peter

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➟ word count: 483➟ prompt: "I will make it up to you, I promise

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word count: 483
prompt: "I will make it up to you, I promise."
warnings: a little angsty

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Peter exited Midtown, the rain sitting in small puddles everywhere he stepped. It had been raining for a few days straight, practically representing the mood between him and his significant other, y/n.

it was hard, he didn't know what he was doing wrong, or how to make it right, but he knew that something was wrong between them. instead of going back to his home where May was, he decided to head over to yours, desperately hoping you were there and willing to talk.


"I don't understand how someone can be so oblivious, Liz. Like, he completely forgot about me! And the sad part is that he didn't even notice,"tears started to well in your eyes, thinking about how someone so loving and caring could forgot about someone so quick. "I'd do anything for him, but I feel like he wouldn't do the same-"

A knock on your bedroom door interrupted your conversation with one of your best friends, Liz Allen. "Hey, I'm going to have to call you back. Love you!"

You threw your phone on your pillows, moving over to the door and opening it up, expecting to see one of your parents or siblings. Instead, you saw a curious looking Peter Parker, and you knew how this was going to end.

"Who were you talking to?" He asked, taking a seat on your desk chair. For once, he didn't have his iconic backpack, or one of his planned outfits. Instead he had jeans on, his hair wasn't combed out, along with a complete oversized hoodie. It wasunusual, to say the least.

"Just Liz," you replied, sitting down as far away from him as possible. You didn't know why he had just plainly showed up in your house, and you weren't too happy. He could of at least had the decency to ask you if he could, or even apologize.

"Oh," Peter took a breath of relief. You got confused, wondering why he looked like a weight was off his shoulders, so you plainly asked "Why do you look relieved?"

He looked taken off-guard, scratching his neck and awkwardly smiling. "Uh, I've just never heard friends say love you... before."

There it was.

You crossed your arms across your chest, knowing that there was no turning back from this inevitable argument you were both about to have.

"I cannot believe you! I would honestly never even think of cheating on you! I'm sorry, Peter, but I think you need to go home."

His face dropped, now fully knowing that he did something wrong. Instead of arguing with you, he obliged, heading towards the door, but planning to talk to you tomorrow at school, when you technically couldn't leave. Oh, how he was trying to make things right with you.

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