Confessions and Explanations ⇝ Peter

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PROMPT ▻ confessions and explanations     WORD COUNT ▻ 629

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PROMPT ▻ confessions and explanations    

"I have no idea who he iー."

Your Friday had been the absolute worst,  the only thing making it better was that you were in your last class of the day. But it happened to be gym class. You desperately wanted to drop out, but the course was, of course, required. Fortunately enough, you had your friends in your class, making things a little bearable.

Sat on the gymnasium bleachers was a glob of your friends, including Liz and MJ. Somehow, you had convinced your gym teacher that you sprained your ankle. He didn't need to know that it happened two weeks ago, though.

You and MJ were talking about your nonexistent weekend plans when Liz chimed in, asking a question that was bugging her and her friends for the longest time. "y/n! Do you know who the Spider-Man is?"

The good thing about you was that you could keep a secret, but maybe you let some spill from time to time when you were directly asked about something. As soon as Liz asked, Peter's head shot up, fearfully hoping you wouldn't tell them anything that could reveal his secret.

You shrugged, making Peter sigh in relief. "Sure, I've met him when he's under the mask but other than that, I have no idea who he iー"

Your sentence got cut short by Ned, who, clearly not thinking things through. His sentence was choppy and before he had told everyone that Peter knew - no, IS, Spider-Man - Peter covered his mouth with his hand; quickly blurting out something that didn't involve the word 'Spider-Man.' Although, of course, you paid no attention to him, going back to your conversation with MJ.

"I like y/n!" He shouted loud enough for the people out in the hallway to hear. Your attention quickly came back to the two, wondering if he was really serious or if it was just a distraction from what Ned almost said. Peter almost had a sad expression on his face, making you actually believe that it was all for a cover-up.

By now, the whole gym class was looking at you two. Quickly getting up from the bleachers, you jogged out into the hallway, tears almost spilling out of your y/n eyes. Ned and MJ disappointedly looked at Peter, knowing that if he actually made it a cover-up they would disown him for the rest of his little spider life.

He immediately followed, noticing you pacing in the hallway. "y/n!" You looked back with a hint of anger in your sad eyes. His stomach quickly dropped in regret.

"Peter, you don't do that! You don't use someone who likes you to cover up your stupid little secrets!" You yelled quite loud. He looked around before pulling you into the locker rooms, allowing you to vent all you wanted without everyone hearing you. "I hate you right now Peter, you know? I really like you but no, you have to go and use my feelings as a cover-up, you idiot."

Before you could keep calling him names, he carefully pressed his lips to yours, making you stop calling him names and calm down for a second.

"I do like you, y/n," Peter whispered, looking into your eyes. He was sincere and you could easily tell by his soft expression on his face.

"Good, I was ready to break this friendship because I just spilled all my feelings out here," you laughed, still a little anger buzzing through your veins.

"We're going to have to break this friendship title," Peter explained, a smile ghosting on his lips, earning a sad and confused look from you. "Replace it with a relationship title."

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