There's Stranger Things ⇝ Tom

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PROMPT ▻ there's stranger things WORD COUNT ▻ 763(read the a/n at the end!)

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PROMPT ▻ there's stranger things
(read the a/n at the end!)

" am I right or am I right? "

Tom's arm was wrapped around your waist, both of you trying to listen to the interviewer over all the conversations happening around you. It felt unusual for you to be on the red carpet of an awards show, but you tried to keep your cool. Surprisingly, you were just as calm and collected as Tom was.

The whole event was surreal, getting to see some of your favorite actors and getting to see some of your friends that you hadn't seen in what seemed like forever. You weren't used to the constant photos taken of you, though; that part of going places would always be unusual to you.

"So, what's your go-to show when you have a day off?" The interviewer asked, holding the microphone up while the camera got a good shot of you two.

You thought for a minute, trying to remember the last show you watched when you finally had a day off from filming. Eyebrows furrowed, one of your favorite shows popped into your mind. "Stranger Things. Amazing actors and plots. Am I right or am I right? I love it and the cast so much. My dream would literally be to meet them." You replied. Tom smiled at you, loving how much of a fan you were for your favorite things.

The reporter's expression perked up. "Lucky for you, I heard the cast is somewhere on the carpet!" Your hopes got raised. You had desperately wanted to meet the cast ever since you started the show. Now, your dreams were practically becoming a reality.

The questions continued on, some of the upcoming movies and some about your relationship here and there. You answered as truthfully as you could, and so did Tom; you make sure that he didn't spoil any more movies. After the interviewer got all the content they needed, you and Tom both strolled around the carpet for a little.

You said you wanted to walk around for a little bit and recoup your thoughts, but you and Tom both knew that it was for the Stranger Things cast. As soon as you laid eyes on the curly haired, tall boy with the name of Finn Wolfhard, you took Tom's hand and practically dragged him over there. Internally screaming, you saw the cast all in one blob, centered in the middle of the carpet. Instead of letting you suffer, Tom brought you over to them, knowing some of the kids quite well.

"Tom!" Another voice with a British accent shouted above the crowd. Upon a further look, you noticed that the voice belonged to none other than Millie. Finn and Noah followed her, focused on Tom. However, when they saw you next to him, they all may have internally screamed too. "Y/n!"

You got confused, surely you hadn't met them before, right? You would have totally remembered that. Tom squeezed your hand, not having to say anything before you realized that he had set this whole thing up. "Are you serious? You set this up?"

Tom shook his head, confusing you even more. "'Nope." His gaze moved from you to the three kids standing in front of you. Raising your eyebrows, you melted, waiting for the confirmation of what you were thinking.

"We did!" Noah and Millie said simultaneously and excitedly, enveloping you in a hug. Finn slipped away for a minute, giving a slight wink to Tom. He nodded in reply, turning his attention back to you. "You are seriously one of our inspirations."

"Oh my God this is literally a dream come true!" You remarked. The cameras surrounding your little group was the least of your problems right now. In no time, Finn came back with the rest of the cast trailing behind him. Sure, you had a few Twitter and Instagram conversations with some of the cast, but you never thought you'd meet them.

You laughed, jaw dropping to the floor. "I literally think I've died and come back to life in the span of two seconds."

[ A / N ]

babes!! It's double update week! Considering this is my last week of school, I've decided to update two times a day. However, this book only goes to 101 parts considering wattpad doesn't allow me to go further lmao.

ALSO this is for all the ST + TH fans (aka me pfft)

would you all be interested in a SECOND imagines book? I have a few things up my sleeve ;)

ilyyy -meg xx

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