christmas shopping | t.h.

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holiday shopping with Tom would include

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holiday shopping with Tom would include...

- waking up at the crack of dawn to shop
- Tom's idea^
- getting a loaded list of ideas from Paddy and running to grab them
- watching one girl grab the last #1 thing on Pads' list
- "I know you might hate my for this but I'm about to fake flirt with that lady for the toy"
- watching him walk over to her
- "I am a native from South West London, darling."
- laughing your ass off when he grabs the toy and runs
- forgetting a cart and carrying all the toys
- "if you make me carry one more thing, you should grab a cart before you suffer the consequences"
- your cart is completely full w t f
- the lady in front of you; her card was denied
- "tom we need to help her, she's got little kids"
- getting thanked 1000x
- her noticing you're y/n y/l/n instead of noticing tom sjjsjdjsk
- he looked a little hurt
- she was a tom fan too and you took a photo with her
- your own checkout took 25 minutes
- apologizing to the cashier
- everyone stared at you when they saw your total
- walking out like you own the place
- instantly regretting things when you see how much stuff you have to wrap

don't forget to vote, comment, and share, loves. It means a lot 💓

I honestly thought I would hate Romeo & Juliet but I actually am loving it sm ahh

Also I totally forgot about this chapter oops so late upload???

-meg ♡

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