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"Well done guys!" Y/N high fived everyone to congratulate them on the good work they have done for their comeback stage. But when it came to Jungkook he laced their hands together by 'accident' and kept it there just long enough for them both to smile cheekily at each other but not too long in case someone noticed. But there's always someone noticing, that one particular person willing to break the two apart for their own satisfaction.

"Yah! y/n! you didn't high five me!" Jimin cutely pouts at her and as soon as she saw him she walked over and ruffled his hair and petting him as if he was a dog and he couldn't help the smile appear on his face. "wahhhhh" he saluted her as a joke as if she fulfilled some duty.

They all made their way towards the van and got in separately. The younger guys in one and the older hyungs in the other. Before y/n could even turn her back she was already dragged into the van, she thought it was jungkook but it wasnt. "oh..Jiminie.." she smiled at him in shock. "You okay?" she asks sitting down beside him.

"You should come over to our dorm" He smiled at her showing his eye smile.

"uhm...sure..." she was about to exit the van but he held her back once again and she just laughed knowing that there was something he wanted to ask but he's being too shy and not asking at all. "Just say it already" she turned around smiling at him.

"I uhm...I-"

"Oh Y/N!" Jungkook opened the van door and saw that she was sitting there already. "I've been looking for you everywhere..I didnt know you were riding with us" He stood outside confused while looking at the van behind theirs and saw the car y/n usually rides right behind theirs.

"Im not..I just came in to say hi to Jimin...that's all" she scooted further away from Jimin about to slide out when Jungkook held her thigh in place.

"Stay" he responded firmly at her. "Stay at the dorms tonight" his eyes were practically begging. "I miss sleeping with you...I mean like sleep sleep...not the other one.." he scratched the back of is neck in embarrassment. " I mean yeah I do miss it but uhm...nevermind..." he laughed even more at himself.

"ok okay! I'll stay over just calm yourself boi" she scooted to the back of the van and patted the seat beside her for Jungkook to occupy and he almost hopped in excitement.

Everyone was finally in the van and rested for a bit knowing the ride home always took long. Although, Jungkook didn't even bother close his eyes, as they remained on the thighs of the woman beside him. He looked up to her face and saw that she was busy on her phone emailing someone and he took this chance to put his hands on her thighs. But she didn't react since that was pretty normal for them both anyway. She flinched a little when he squeezed and went higher. "What are you doing?" she whispers to him but she kept her eyes on her phone.

"You" he whispers softly in her ears hoping to get the attention he's longing for but she only nodded and kept on typing on her phone. He sighed in frustration but he wasn't giving up. "Y/N...I need you.." his hands went higher on her thighs while he slowly plants his lips on her exposed shoulder.

"Jungkook" she whined, really wanting to send this email asap so she scooted a little further away from him. He saw this as a challenge.

"Fine..Let's see who's going to be whining later.." He scooted closer to her. He places his hands on her thighs again but no more teasing. It went higher until it finally reached her region. He lifted her skirt up, before she could even stop him his hands were already in her underwear. She bit her lip trying to refrain herself from moaning. He saw her pleasured expression and took her phone away placing his soft lips on her neck. She threw her head back in absolute pleasure.

"..oh god...Jung-..aghh" She was about to take Jungkook's hands out of her underwear but he suddenly entered his fingers while spreading her legs putting her right leg on his lap to get even deeper. His lips never left her neck all while she bit her lips trying so hard to not moan too loud.

She was thankful that the radio was on or else you could hear how heavy she was breathing..but worse..how wet she was. Jungkook was pounding his fingers into her deeper and harder every second. "Oh fuck..." She breathed out biting her lips. Jungkook used his finger to lift her chin towards him. He looked into her lustful eyes and smirked. She was about to crash their lips together but Jungkook suddenly pulled his fingers out and scooted back into his own place, still smirking at her. "w-wh-" She said out of breath and confused. He raised his fingers to her face putting his fingers into her mouth making her taste herself.

"That's it" Jungkook sat back in his place properly giving her phone back to her and she was left there confused and in need of orgasm.

"What the hell was that?!" She asked confused but the van suddenly stopped and the members woke up. Jungkook was the first one out of the van. He went straight into their home leaving y/n craving him and unable to stably walk.

"The nights not over yet y/n...." Jungkook mumbled to himself while smirking.

The ex-mistress 21+~Book 2~(Bts Jungkook ff)Where stories live. Discover now