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She sat herself up and scooted away from him in shock. "S-she told you...." she turned her back from him grabbing the blanket on the floor and wrapped it around her body.

"I already knew...." he too sat up and turned his back away from her. "Why I chose to keep my mouth closed...well...thats something even I cant answer..." his head hung low.

She sat back on the bed her back also turned away from him. "When....how...." she asked in complete confusion.

"I was uhm....looking through the drawers of your uhm...office....and I saw the uhm...documents...and wavers.." he sighed closing his eyes for a brief moment remembering how his heart sunk seeing the papers signed and dated.

"Why were yo-"

"Looking through your drawers?....Uhm....I was...I dont know....I...was in your office...after our month in Japan...and I was still with Chelsea then....?" He scratched the back of his head in shame knowing that during that time he was purposely giving her a hard time he missed her so much he just needed something of hers for him to keep.

"Why didn't you tell me....we could have talked about it...." she asked.

"Thats the question I should be asking you!" He stood up facing her fully but her back was still turned.

"I was scared....Jungkook there was a 30% chance it was yours!" She too stood up facing him and turned around to face a teary eyed Jungkook.

"Only 30%..? " he mumbled but loud enough for her to hear.

"The timing of getting off the pill and the rape.....the doctors said the chances of it being yours....was little..."

"You could have still gave birth to the child...and if it was Minhos...you could have easily given it up for adoption....and if it was mine....I uhm...I think I would have been okay....I could have been a good father.....I think..." he too was confused and looked down.

"I know...I thought of that already....but...your career....you were chelsea...at that time you hated me for breaking your heart...would you have still...taken responsibili-"

"YES" He interrupted her knowing the question she was about to ask.

"No you wouldn't have!....it would have been too difficult! Too hard balancing your career and a child!"

"The point is you should have told me.....does...Minho know?"

"No.....he doesnt...."

"Okay....." he sighed.

"Why didnt you tell me you knew?"

"I guess....the fear....same as you...the fear that...what if I got myself prepared to be a father but in the end it was Minho's.....the fear that what if it was mine?...would I have been a good father....can I give my child time...love, care and protection a father should provide with my kind of Job.....the fear of....not being ready.."

"You kept it all to yourself....all this time....thats....stupid" she felt aghast at the whole sitiuation. This is the reason she couldn't fight against Chelsea. All because she was afraid of her telling him the one secret even she can't bare to think about.

"Yeah....well...so did you..." he started making his way towards her and held her hand. "Im...not mad at you.....I was....but then...I wasnt...I knew that if you werent ready then its okay....even if it was mine....we can always...try again" he held her chin up for him to see her beatiful eyes that he treaures so much.

"The reason I was so distant and cold with you....is because of this...." she released herself from his embrace and took a step back.

"This? This is why?..." he just stared at her.

"Chelsea found out...." she bit her lip fidgeting with her fingers.

"And what?....did she use this to blackmail you?"

She only nodded as a response.

"Uhm..so.....she blackmails you with this....which is what?"

"Give you back to her...or else....she tells you....and the media about me and you.....with a twisted truth...I couldn't just let her ruin you....I dont care what damage it would do to my life....it was yours I was worried about....yours and your members...."

"I cant believe that after she's done to you before she's do this...and here I was feeling so sorry for her because I felt at fault...." he shook his head and sighed.

"I cant believe after what she's done to me you still slept with her" she couldn't help but blurt out what she's been thinking and Jungkook felt the pain in his heart hearing how hurt she sounded.

He walked closer to her again and pulled her close. She tried her best to release herself from his embrace but he was too strong yet too weak to let her go. "Im sorry....Im so sorry...but clearing this whole thing up....doesnt it...uhm shouldn't it change anything?"

She stopped in her movements and just locked eyes with him. "Knowing about the abortion and not knowing and the whole blackmail doesnt change the fact that you cheated on me with...her"


"Yah! You're blocking the whole window!" Taehyung complained while Jimin tried to shove his ear in the window to try and listen at what they were talking about.

"So?" Taehyung asked Jimin as to what he was hearing. "Are they getting back together??....Yah!! Aishh"


Aye Im back fam❤

The ex-mistress 21+~Book 2~(Bts Jungkook ff)Where stories live. Discover now