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They all sat around the table of the award show. All their eyes up at the stage and enjoying the performances. Even if Jungkook's eyes were on the stage his attention was definitely not on the occasion.

"Yah slow down" Jimin whispered at his ears when he noticed that Jungkook was jugging down his 5th glass of alcohol and they only just got here.

"Dont tell me what to do" he yanked his glass back from Jimin and looked away from him. Jimin was shocked as to why Jungkook answered him back like that informally.

"Jungkook's drunk hyung" Jimin whispered to Namjoon and he quickly looked at his youngest in shock.

"What the hell...Jungk-" Namjoon was cut off when Jungkook suddenly stood up and walked away. They all watched him stumbling back stage and they were all about to follow but their personal managers gave them a glare telling them to stay still to not capture attention.

"What was the about?....he better get back here quick " Namjoon says through his gritted teeth. They were all shocked to see him angry because it takes a lot to make him angry and Jungkook being drunk at an award show was definitely enough to make him furious.

~Next day~

"Someone tell me where the hell he is!!" Bang shihyuk slammed his hands on the table. "Y/NNN!" He yelled for her name from outside the office. The 6 boys have never seen him so mad.

"Yes sir?" She herself looked so scared.

"I dont care what you do get Jungkook's ass back here! I dont care even if you drag him by the ear!" He snapped his fingers at y/n and she quickly nodded and left. "Kim namjoon! You are suppose to be the leader of this group! You are doing a shit job at it! If you dont get him back Im pulling you away from your position!!....All of you..LEAVE" Everyone is stressing as to where Jungkook had gone from last night. When they all went up to receive their awards he was suppose to be the one to deliver the speech but since he wasnt there no one had a speech delivered and even Namjoon was lost in words. For once in their entire life of being famous they've never been booed at until last night. And it hurt them like hell.

"Aishhhh" Namjoon walked away from the group of boys while ruffling his hair in frustration.

"What the hell is happening with him?" Yoongi shook his head in disappointment and walked away too.

"Our group is falling apart...this is bullshit" Hoseok cursed shocking them all and he too walked away.

"Aish" Taehyung walked away too to get some fresh air.

"Im gonna try call him again" Jin says and leaves Jimin alone in the practice room.

He was about to follow him when he saw Y/N walked by. He was gonna call out for her but he suddenly thought of something.

"Did he get drunk because....of me..?....does he know Im in love with...y/n..?" He mumbles to himself.

He jumped from his seat hearing something fall behind him. He turned around and saw y/n looking surprised at the door. "Y-you're....inlove with me?..."


"Good morning" Jungkook cooed while snuggling into her neck feeling the warmth of het naked body on his. He gave her a soft kiss at her neck and smiled at het scent.

"Morning" she replied back and turned around to him.

Once Jungkook saw her fully he jumped out of bed. "CHELSEA?!"

More drama???


The ex-mistress 21+~Book 2~(Bts Jungkook ff)Where stories live. Discover now