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Before she walked into the meeting room she ran to her office and locked herself in. She opened one of her drawers spotting a small alcohol bottle that her Jungkook had hid in there from one of their rendezvous. She hesitantly opened the cap but once she smelled the alcohol she chugged it down. Just wanting her stress level to go down a bit.


They all sat around the table having one of their monthly meetings. All their eyes on the monitor all while Jungkook's eyes stayed at y/n. The longer they're apart the more he's craving her. Emotionally...physically...sexually...

Y/N felt his eyes piercing through her and she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. She took her attention away from the speaker and glanced at him. But as soon as their eyes connected she regretted it because now there's nothing stopping them from being lost at each other's gaze.

Jimin glanced at Jungkook and y/n and felt the familiar knotting at his stomach and chest. He fought every urge to stop them by interrupting them smoothly but he wasnt able to.

A knock on the door caused all their eyes to avert towards it but it didnt break their eye contact. A subtle nudge from Taehyung pulled Jungkook back to reality. He looked over at him and Taehyung gestured him to look up at the door.

It was Chelsea.

The tension in the room grew and y/n felt the same pulling at her heart. She looked at Jungkook and he was already staring at her as if he was trying to beg with his stare that he had nothing to do with her being here. She looked away from Jungkook and looked down not wanting to see him leave with Chelsea.

"....Can I borrow him for a second?" Chelsea asked the speaker of the meeting and she sighed in disappointment but she still nodded and gestured her to take him. Jungkook sighed and took one last glance at Y/N.

"Hajima" she mustered up her courage and spoke out loud. Jungkook stopped in his tracks and turned around to look at her unsure of what she had said. Jimin quickly placed his hand on hers to stop her from shaking and gave it a squeezed signalling her that everything was okay.

"did you say something y/n?" Jungkook almost sounded as if he was begging for her to stop him. Chelsea gave her a glare signalling her to not say anymore.

"You can't leave" Y/N looked up after breathing in and out regaining her posture.

"Excuse me?...She allowed him already" Chelsea quickly stood in front of Jungkook and gave her a bitchy response.

"You heard me...he can't leave...we're in the middle of a meeting! you can't just walk in here and take a member of a boy group who's in the middle of fixing a problem that you have unleashed!" Y/N lost it and stood up and talked back to her unaware that she accidentally outed her out.

"What?" Jimin asked confused along with the members.

"I would keep my mouth shut right now if I was you...." Chelsea warned her.

"You can't tell me what to do!" Y/N felt slightly light headed. Her confidence coming from the alcohol that she chugged down this morning.

"Then maybe I should tell them what you did huh?!" Chelsea gave her one last warning.

Jimin stood up from his chair and blocked y/n of her view from Jungkook and Chelsea. He held her hand. "Y/N....you're not thinking straight right now...let's go" Jimin dragged her out of the office. On the way out her shoulder brushed against Chelsea and her eyes connected with Jungkook.

Jimin kept dragging her out of the building. And opened his car door for her. "Yahhhh" she whined as she pouted her face going red.

"You're drunk and Im bringing you home to sober you up" Jimin had been smelling the strong smell of alcohol from her since earlier but didnt want to ask but seeing the scene unravel in front of him he needed to get her out before she says anything stupid and regrets it or make things worse with Jungkook.

"Jiminssi Im not drunk! I just needed to tell that bitch to stay in her lane!" She crossed her arms and looked out the window.

"Which is not you at all....the only time I ever seen you like that was with her as well at the practice room last year!" Jimin kept his hands on the steering wheel leaving the area.

"I had an abortion" She suddenly just spilled everything out feeling like she could breathe having that lifted off her chest.

"Sorry what?" Jimin convinced himself that he misheard her and kept his eyes on the road and for a slight second the car skidded.

"I had an abortion...last year" Just then jimin pulled over to the side and kept staring straight ahead his hands still on the steering wheel.

"W-what?....when...how...I mean I know how...I just" he sighed as his breathing slowed down trying to wrap his head around the sudden confession.

"I didnt want the baby..." she replied hanging her head low staring at her fidgety hands unable to stop them from shaking.

"Does Jungkook know?.....wait... he is the father.....right?".

"I....wasn't sure.....at that time....I went off the pill for some reason I dont remember why....but then...he and I stopped and I didnt bother going back on the pill because I didnt think we were at that stage yet with Minho so i didnt bother....but then...he......" her voice broke and her eyes wavered, hearing het voice break Jimin finally looked at her and felt how much in pain she is from keeping this a secret.

"I couldnt take the risk of the baby being Minho's....I wouldn't have been able to stand it....." Jimin held her hand in attempt to comfort her. "But then....there could have been a chance that it was Jungkook's too...." Jimin scooted closer and wrapped his arms around her. Even though its the most uncomfortable position he didnt care as long she feels his embrace.

"Is this what Chelsea's holding against you?" Jimin started to connect the dots and everything falls back to Chelsea. She nodded and Jimin felt his anger rise.

"She found out about it and threatened to tell Jungkook..."

"Tell him" Jimin sat up straight and held het shoulders to look at her seriously. "You gotta tell him now before she does!"


Dont be a silent reader and tell me what you think of the story so far😘⚘

The ex-mistress 21+~Book 2~(Bts Jungkook ff)Where stories live. Discover now