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She still couldn't wrap her head around the fact that she and Jimin had to fake a relationship. How was she suppose to help them by doing this?...even worse...when she comes back she'll read the news and see the articles about the rumours. How will she react?...How did things start to go like this again...?..All because of an existence of a person wanting to ruin her... All because she fell in love. A man she deserves. A man way out of her league.

"You okay?" she stood outside of the building and she was finally pulled out of her thoughts when Jungkook spoke to her. His voice rang through her ears like some kind of a beautiful angel had wasted his breathe just to talk to her. She just stared plainly at him. Her eyes stung at the thought of leaving him. The thought that he'll get hurt again.

She couldn't hold back the tears anymore. She attempted to bite her lip to stop the tears and look down. Jungkook got shocked and quickly pulled her wrists and dragged her inside the building, he didnt stop rushing through the crowd in the building. He knew he couldn't just hug her out there where there are so many people. He's found an empty office and he quickly locked the door pinning her against the door. He lifted her chin using his fingers. She still attempted to keep her eyes away from him. "Look at me.." He cups her cheek forcing her to face him finally. "What's wrong?...Why are you crying?..." She only shook her head and bit her lip not planning on talking to him.

But she knew he wouldnt just stop and ignore the fact that she was crying. Jungkook's biggest fear is seeing her cry knowing that it breaks him apart inside. She had to think of something to take his mind off of everything. There was only one way. She crashed her lips on his hard. Jungkook got shocked as what happened. But when he attempted to pull away she only pulled him back in and soon enough he started to kiss back. Her plan was working he's starting to get distracted by her kisses.

She was about to pull away but Jungkook's tongue darted in her cavern exploring every crner luring her back into the seductive kiss. His hands started to travel all over her body and before she knew it her top was already thrown half way across the room. Jungkook attacked her neck as soon as he left her lips not giving her time to breathe. Just when she was about to palm his growing crotch she realised that she was already naked without her even noticing. His lips went lower to her chest tracing down lower and lower till he's already on his knees.

He looked up at her and waited till she looked down into his eyes. When their eyes connected he slowly slid two fingers all the way into her. She moan but didn't break eye contact. He withdrew his fingers and then pumped them into her a few more times then drove them deep into her and curled them up into a hook so he could rub the inside of her tunnel and he slowly dragged them back out. With this she closed her eyes closed and she tensed closed to her orgasm he did it a few more times going slow enough not to push her over but fast enough to keep her right on the edged. Then with his fingers buried as deep in her as they would go, he paused waiting for her eyes to meet his again. When she looked down at him with open pleading on her face he grinned evilly back up her. He hooked his fingers again and he jerked them out dragging them across her sensitive tunnel and entrance. With that swift burst of pleasure her orgasm that he had purposely been suppressing exploded inside her and her mouth opened in a silent scream and with her eyes still locked on his he raised his hand and sucked the two fingers he was using to pleasure her with into his mouth. She exploded in orgasm again before the other could even subside and it drove her higher. Her vision blackened and she started to list to one side.

Just when she was about to return the favour his phone rang along with hers. They both groan in annoyance. "ignore it" he was about to place a kiss on her again but she dodged it catching her phone. He rolled his eyes and took his out too.



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The ex-mistress 21+~Book 2~(Bts Jungkook ff)Where stories live. Discover now