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~A few days later~

"Hey Jimin" She walked up to him while he smiled back at her. She rested her hands on the concrete wall of the rooftop. She signed while looking up at the sky.

"Is it true" Jimin couldn't spare her a glance he kept his eyes on the small miniature people on the streets. "Are you really leaving us"

Y/N closed her eyes for a brief moment and looked down. She opened her eyes and looked at Jimin with sad eyes. "Yeah" as soon as she spoke Jimin looked at her and seeing his teary eyes her heart broke.

"Why....is it because of...me...and you feel awkward getting back with Ju-"

"No! Jimin dont think like that!" She couldnt believe that he could think she was leaving because of him. "Im leaving because....ever sinc high school....its been with Jungkook.....you guys....I need to find my place and purpose in this world.....on my own" a tear escaped Jimins eyes as he looks away from her.

"Im trying to stay strong y/n....I really am.....I dont want you to feel bad for leaving us but.....my heart....really hurts" Jimins voice broke as he clenches his fists. Y/N held his tight held fists and as soon as she did his grip loosened.

"I love you Jimin.....you are the best friend I could ever ask for....you...hobi...Tae....Jin....yoongi and namjoon.....and Jungkook....you are the best part of my life...." she wrapped her arms around Jimin as she couldnt hold back her tears anymore.


"Make sure to always eat!" Jin's voice breaks as he hugs y/n farewell.

She then hugged Namjoon and he swung her into the air. "Im going to miss youuu" little do they know he only did that to avoid crying.

"Uhuhuhu ma-uhuhu ma-make su- huhuhu make sure t-to always be uhuhuhu happy" Taehyung could barely make out words as he's choking in tears. Y/N hugged him tight and patted his back.

She moved onto Yoongi and he was trying to cover his face with his mask and hat. She lifted the hat off and dragged the mask down and his eyes were puffy from crying. "Shhhhh stop crying....Agust D is suppose to be tough!" She made yoongi smile while hugging her making him cry even more.

"Hobi oppa.....you were my best friend in high school....you protected me from everyone and everything....made me laugh to the point it hurts...made me smile at the toughest times.....now please....stop crying and smile for me" she almost sounds like she's pleading hugging him.

Jimin cant even let go of her luggages afraid that once he does she'll leave. "Jimin....you'll find an amazing girl who will love you in so many ways that I couldn't return to you...." she held his hands breaking down in tears and Jimin wrapped his arms quickly around her.

She took a step back looking at the 6 boys in front of her. All crying. All hearts breaking.

She glanced away from them and looked towards the crowd of airport hoping to see Jungkook. She bit her lip trying to stop herself from crying. "Where are you..." she mumbled to herself as she cried.

Soon enough her flight number to America was being called. She walked up to Jimin to get her bags while looking aroung hoping that maybe he'll come running through the crowds.

But nothing.

She turned her back walking towards the security. She could still hear the boys yelling her name and waving at her when she turned around. "Im going to miss you all" she whispers to herself and enters the security.

She never saw Jungkook that day.

No Goodbyes.

~The end~

The ex-mistress 21+~Book 2~(Bts Jungkook ff)Where stories live. Discover now