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"I....i'll tell him....just....let me do it in my own time.." she looked away from Jimin and sighed. He had a satisfied smile on him. As much as it hurts to see them back together a part of him is happy knowing that Jungkook treats her like his everything.

He resumed driving and glanced at her. "Where do you want to go?" He asks not knowing where to head.

"I kind of want to be alone...if that's okay with you....?" She asks Jimin looking at him with puppy eyes and of course he melted.

"I-its uhm...yeah its okay! Where do you uh...want me to uh...drop you uhm off?" He couldn't help but feel shy and embarrassed.

"The cabin" she looked out the window leaning against the window pane and closed her eyes trying to remember all her memories there.

They both deepen the kiss, while he moves closer to her holding her by the waist while she wraps her arms around his neck. "Y/N...." he starts off when he pulls away but he crashes their lips together again going a little harder with passion.

"I love you" he rests his forehead against hers.

The very first time Jungkook said it to her. Under the tree by the lake. She couldn't help but smile sadly. How that memory seems so long ago.

Jungkook carried her bridal style into the cabin and went straight into the bedroom making her laugh her ass off. "Seriously Jungkook!"

He drops her gently on the bed hovering over her.
"I don't want to fuck you anymore......" He looks straight into her eyes seriously.
"I want to make love to you" he plants his lips on hers allowing themselves to get lost in the feeling.

She couldn't help the tears escaping. Why did Chelsea have to come back? Why are they always thrown into an obstacle. She felt her heart shatter even if there was nothing left to shatter since it was already broken.

"We're here" Jimin parked the car. (A/N : Hehe get it? No okay😂nvm😂)

She slowly got out of the car breathing in the fresh air of nature. "Thanks Jimin" she hugged him tightly and left him by his car. She approached the lake hugging her body just admiring the view. The sound of Jimin's car leaving didn't even disturb her moment of thought.

She sat under the same tree and closed her eyes absorbing the sun and fresh air. The sounds of the birds. The slight warm breeze swaying her hair slightly.

~An hour later~

She opened her eyes and noticed that she was still under the tree she didnt realise she had fallen into deep sleep. She stood up and finally noticed the breathtaking view in front of her. The sun setting reflecting on the lake. And in that moment everything seemed calm....serene...She smiled to herself and closed her eyes taking in the fresh air.

"Ive never seen a more beautiful view in my entire life" his eyes fixated on her not the sunset.

"I know right" She smiled as a response but she finally noticed that she was here alone. She quickly turned around in fear and saw that it was no other than Jungkook. "w-what are you doing here?" She took a step back and he couldn't help but smile at her confused look.

"uh....Jimin hyung" He scratched the back of his neck.

"aishh...I told him I wanted to be alone" She sighed in disappointment. "when did you get here?"

"half an hour ago...." he once again scratched the back of his neck.

"i only woke up not even 10 mins ago.."

The ex-mistress 21+~Book 2~(Bts Jungkook ff)Where stories live. Discover now