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She left Jimin in the room and tried to fast walk away from him. But once she thought she got away someone had held her hand back. " Y/N lets talk"

"N-no jimin uhm.....Im busy right now s-sorry"

"pfft....you can't even look at me in the eye anymore can you..." Jimin felt his eye sting and a sudden pulling at his chest. He felt like he was being suffocated and someone it trying to yank his heart from his chest. "....jebal....look at me...." He reached out to hold her chin to make her look at him. But she backed away.

"I...I..I dont know...why...and how...and when...but I...fell in love with..you.." He hung his head low in shame and shook his head just wanting the pain to end. He couldn't hold in his tears anymore when he heard her sniffle. He harshly wiped the tears that escaped and took and deep breath. He pulled himself together.

"But don't worry! its okay!! I think Im starting...to uhm...m-move on n-now!!" He put on a fake smile for her. Hoping she'd feel less bad for him.

 Hoping she'd feel less bad for him

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Jungkook pov

My head is spinning. My heart is aching. My chest is tight. My hands are sweating. Im shaking. My knees are feeling weak. What have I done?...Why?...Why did I....y/n....Im sorry....

I kept walking and practicing what I was going to say to y/n about what happened. I need to tell her the truth even if it means I'll hurt her...better hear it from me than someone else...right?....I looked ahead and saw Jimin hyung and y/n. And all of a sudden the same anger that drove me to drink and to commit my biggest mistake came back. As I came closer I heard her sniffle. He's made her cry...

 He's made her cry

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"JEON JUNGKOOK" he was suddenly pulled into the office. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN HUH?!" Bang shihyuk slammed his door shut closed.

"I uh.."


"Huh?" Jungkook choked on his own saliva hearing chelsea's name.

"I saw the pictures...." he ran his fingers through his hair in frustation. "I got them deleted already....an hour into my job and Ive lost over a million yen"

"W-what pictures..?" Jungkook asked.

"You and chelsea....going into a hotel...together"

Jungkook felt like he wanted to jump off a cliff. What if y/n had already seen? What if that's why she's crying?...what if she's already getting ready to leave him?

"Sorry hyung" Jungkook apologised and walked out of his office.

He ran all around the building looking for y/n. He couldnt bare the thought of losing her at all. Even if a part of him already knows he's already lost her.

He headed up to their "special" place. He ran up the stairs to the rooftop.


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"Jungkook...." her femine voice rang through his ears. He turned around to her and just stood there frozen in his spot. He noticed her swollen eyes and her redness.

"Im sorry....I...there's no explanation to what...I did...I just...I Dont know..." his words started to come out as sobs and he fell to his knees begging for her forgiveness.

"What are you talking about?" She kneeled down to cup his face.

"I slept with Chelsea " he slowly looks up to her afraid to see what her reaction was. But by the time he looked up she had already stood up. She turned her back and looked down from the building.

She couldn't wrap her mind around the thought of what he had just confessed. "You...slept...with her...." her lip trembled in pain while she clenched onto her top.

"She had me raped!" She turned around harshly and scoffed at him in anger. "How could you....w-why
.." Jungkook stood up to hold her but she took a step back and slapped him across the face. "WAE" She hit him at the chest. "WAE" Jungkook didnt bother try to stop the swings at his chest he knew he deserved this.

"I love you" and just then she finally stopped hitting him. She looked straight into his eyes and he thought those 3 meaningful words was enough to still make her his. But just as he was about to talk again she stopped him and took a step back.

"If you loved me you wouldn't have slept with Chelsea" she walked away from Jungkook but before she opened the door to the building again she turned back around to him.

"I guess I was right....you can't handle not having sex for more than a week...."

She slammed the door shut and headed down the stairs. Her whole body felt numb. Was this Chelsea's plan all along? She fell down the stairs and sat at the floor crying her heart out.


"What do you want?" Y/N stood at door of her apartment and saw a man at her door. He just handed her a letter and left.

She got confused and locked the door. She headed towards her living room and opened up the letter.

"Omo" she dropped the letter on the ground seeing the document.


Im sure you wouldnt Jungkook to find out about your secret ABORTION now would you?

Stay away from him because Im coming back bitch.


The ex-mistress 21+~Book 2~(Bts Jungkook ff)Where stories live. Discover now