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Jimin stayed in his spot knowing that he can never pick a girl over Jungkook. Even if it hurts him like hell to know she's probably crying her eyes out, Jungkook is still his dongsaeng.

"hyung..." Jungkook unwrapped his arms from Jimin and sat on his bed his head hanging low again. "d-....do you..really love her?" his voice breaks not wanting to hear his hyungs answer but he needs to.

"Jungkook...I dont want to talk about tha-"

"I wanna know...please?" He looks up to him and he's fidgeting in his spot unable to even look at him.

"I uhm....Im moving on.." He once again lied. At this point he doesnt even know who he's trying to convince, them or himself.

".....stop..." He looks away from Jimin and took in a harsh breath. " dont...dont m-move on...." his words came out as sobs.

"what do you mean?"

"Im going to let her...g-go..." Jungkook sighed and stopped himself from crying any more.

"thats a joke right..." jimin scoffed at him.

"at this point hyung i dont even know what to do or think anymore....all I know is that I hurt y/n...but I can't heal her....I dont trust myself with her heart anymore.....I dont ever want to see her cry....I dont want to know that she's hurting all because of me." he sighed and looked up at his ceiling.

"what's that got to do with me ?"

"I want you to heal her heart..." he stood up and left Jimin dumbfounded in his room.


She sat at her bedroom floor unable to move a single muscle. How can a single heartbreak affect someones heart like this? She felt as if every breathe she was taking she was inhaling shards of glass. It was too painful to breathe. She clenched onto her chest and screamed. She couldn't handle the pain. Images of his face flashed before her eyes and not only did it make her feel warm inside but broken. How can once person who was capable of making you nothing but smile is also capable of breaking her down.

"Y/N...." A faint voice was heard outside her apartment and she almost thought she was hallucinating. How could she imagine that Jungkooks voice just called out for her?. "Open the door....please..." Jungkook said once more through the locked door.

She stood up from her floor and slowly approached the door. "please...open it" her heart fell hearing his voice even clearer. However, she couldnt speak. She coudnt bring herself up to say anything. She walked closer to the door and leaned closer. "i can see your shadow....jebal...open the door for me?" She was shocked but she realised you can see the shadow from under the door.

"I love you" Jungkook says through the closed door and she held her mouth shut when her tears started to flow out again and she's gone back to her crying emotinal state. "Ok...fine...you dont have to open the door for me.....but just....listen okay..." he leaned his head against the door and closed his eyes trying to picture her in front of him smiling pretending that door wasnt there between them.

She too leaned her head against the door as she listened to Jungkook with her eyes closed. "please stop crying......Im not worth your tears....please stop.....I want this pain to stop...radiate your pain to me...hate me..despise me...all it takes for you to stop crying....I want to take your pain away....I want to you stop...loving me...." he stopped talking when he heard a sob escape from her mouth and when he heard her sniffle. "Yah...I told y-you...t-to...stop..crying" his voice broke not able to handle hearing her cry.

"I won't try to make you stay in this relationship...I wont force anything on y-you......I'll set you free....." the lump in his throat grew by the second and he felt like suffocating. "Just stop crying...y/n....I want you to know that...I have always only ever loved one person my entire life....and thats you.....I have loved you more than I even loved myself....I was willing to give the whole world to you....I still am...but I won't.....Another m-man...will fulfill those duties I f-failed to do....." Jungkook fell to his knees his head still leaning his head at the door. She turned around and leaned her back against the door hearing that Jungkook is willing to set her free. Not even fight for her love when he's the one that cheated instead he's giving up. She fell to the ground breathing heavily.

They both just sat there leaning against the door.

The worst day of being in love is the day it ends...

The ex-mistress 21+~Book 2~(Bts Jungkook ff)Where stories live. Discover now