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"Y/N! Aishhhh Yah!" Jimin ran after her when she refused to answer his question and as soon as he parked the car at big hit she took that chance to run out. "YAH!"

He ran out of the car and ran after her, of course he felt like an idiot but he couldn't just sit and watch Jungkook and Y/N break apart. Even if he could use this chance to steal her,not a single muscle in his body would have the strength to hurt Jungkook.

"Hyung!" Jungkook ran after Jimin and they both stop panting. "What are you doing here?" He asks confused remembering that a few minutes ago y/n just told him they were stuck in traffic.

"I work here Jungkook!"

"Yeah I know hyung Im not that stupid!...where is she?" He looks around but he can't even catch a glimpse of her.

"I dont know....we parted ways...anyway....BYE" Jimin felt awkward and ran away from him.

"Jungkook-ah" Y/N called out for him from the top of the stairs and the sight of her makes him want to jump up and down in happiness.

He ran up the stairs in excitement he was expecting a hug and kiss welcome but she quickly turned her back and lead the way. Jungkook spun her around and planted his lips on hers. He was about to savour the feeling but she pulls away mad.

"What the hell....there's people around"
She walked away from him clenching onto her bag hard fighting every urge to turn back around to him and smother him with kisses.

They entered the practice room and Jungkook felt disheartened. He felt like he was a peripheral. Like something was happening right before his eyes but he's surpassing it. He grabbed y/n arm and dragged her out of the practice room but as stops him giving him a warning look.

She felt like she knew why he was going to drag her away. "Jungkook seriously! Try to control yourself today ple-" he cut her off.

"Excuse me?" He asks confused and offended.

"Look Jungkook Im busy right now...We both are...the meetings about to start! So can you please just this once successfully control your sexual desires" she sighed.

"Do you think that every time I drag you away I want to...fuck?"


"Wow....what if maybe I just wanted to talk to you in private?"

"Pfft no never" she crossed her arms across her chest.

"Is that what you think all I think of?...I have other things to do and think of okay!" He was starting to get really defensive.

"Whatever Jungkook...Lets go" she was about to turn around but Jungkook stopped her arm.

"Do you really think that's all I think of?"

"Without a doubt"

"No way! Im not..that... obsessed!"

"Uh huh...ok Jungkook"

"I can go on for weeks without even thinking about it!"

"Then PROVE it" she walked away from Jungkook and he closed his eyes realising what he had just done. He truly did just want to talk to her but he got overly defensive.

"Not a smart move Jungkook" Namjoon laughed at him while entering. "Y/N is really stubborn she definitely won't be the one to crack and just come up to you wanting it.....after all....she's a woman" Namjoon continued on laughing while Jungkook stood outside looking at y/n.

He stood by the door and observed everyone in the room. His heart dropped seeing his older hyung...Jimin...

Jungkook pov

Why is Jimin hyung just staring at her while she laughs?...Not just staring...but...its different. His eyes looked like no matter what he tries its still going to be fixated on her?...

I can see the way he looks at her

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I can see the way he looks at her. Its the way I look at her....like she's the love of my life. Is it possible that the girl Jimin is hyung is so torn apart by....is the same girl that Im madly in love with?

Is Jimin hyung....in love with my girlfriend...?


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Im so sorry about the late updates😣 I hope you still like and hasnt forgotten this book

Im so sorry about the late updates😣 I hope you still like and hasnt forgotten this book

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its just school is being a bitch😭😭😭😭😭

The ex-mistress 21+~Book 2~(Bts Jungkook ff)Where stories live. Discover now