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Jungkook has been frustrated the whole week, ever since y/n and Jimin's relationship has been officially announced. He knew he couldn't complain about it knowing that people would start to question why he's against it. Another reason is the fact that he was already a reason as to why their sales dropped drastically because of getting married to chelsea and then their divorce.

"You okay?" Taehyung sat beside him on the couch when he saw his younger one sitting uneasy and tapping his foot.

"Yep" Jungkook replied back sharply.

"No you're not and its understandable..."

"If you weren't going to accept and believe my answer why bother ask?" Jungkook answered back annoyed.

"Jungkook talk to me its okay....seeing the girl you love be in a relationship with your best fri-"

"FAKE relationship!" He corrected Taehyung.

"Okay okay sorry...fake relationship...its gotta be hard..what you need is someone to talk to.."

"No I dont hyung...Im fine...." Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck keeping his eyes on the tv watching the latest news about bts and it was full of pictures of Jimin and Y/N purposely caught out on a date. "I dont even care if it was purely business......but y/n and I...Something's wrong....something changed in us....she's...drifted from me....I...I dont know what happened hyung..." Jungkook sighed holding in the pain he's feeling in his chest.

"Drifted?" Taehyung wanted an even deeper explanation as to what made him think that.

"She still wants to leave...she's still looking at jobs to leave bighit"

"She's just looking for a better job she's not leaving you pabo" Taehyung felt how hurt he looks afraid of her leaving.

"But...what if..when she leaves bighit...soon enough she'll decide to look for a better someone who can be there for her 24/7" This truly was Jungkook's biggest fear...losing her.

"There's no such man who can be there for a woman 24/7..." Taehyung laughed softly trying to lighten the mood.

"You know what I mean hyung"

Both their eyes shifted towards the door and the rest of the members entered along with Y/N. Jungkook took his phone out not wanting to talk to anyone at the moment. Taehyung stood up and walked over to her.

"Hey" he smiled at y/n and she returned a smile.

"Hey Tae" she replied back while looking at some papers in her hand.

"Jungkook needs you" he whispered to her softly.

"For what?" She asks glancing at Jungkook. "He seems fine" she glances back down at her papers.
Taehyung grabbed the papers and dropped them on the table and dragged her our of the room to talk to her privately.

"I dont know what's happening with Jungkook and you but he's convinced he's losing you....well?..is he right?" Taehyung himself is afraid of her answer.

Y/N stared at Taehyung seriously not even realising that she's made Jungkook feel like that. She was succeeding in her plan of pushing him away. Everything was falling into place and yet her heart is aching. She's breaking her own heart while breaking his.

"Whats happening here?" Jimin came out of the practice room and saw the way how y/n looked like she just seen the worse thing happen before her eyes and Taehyung looking at her dead serious. But his eyes never left her face still waiting for her answer.

"You okay?" Jimin stood beside y/n holding her by her waist and she just nodded and smile. Taehyung felt like her silence was enough of an answer for him. He scoffed while shaking his head and glared at Jimin.

"What about you? What are you doing Jiminssi" Taehyung asked almost scaring Jimin seeing him so serious.

"W-what do you mean?" Jimin asked confused.

"Nothing....Just....dont let Jungkook see...that...."
Taehyung pointed at the way Jimin held her tightly and closely and in an instant Y/N took a step back.

The ex-mistress 21+~Book 2~(Bts Jungkook ff)Where stories live. Discover now