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"What are you doing here?" Jungkook left y/n standing there in shock while he drags chelsea into a room. She wanted to move and follow them but it was as if she was paralyzed.

"Come here" Jimin who suddenly showed out of nowhere wrapped his arms around her shoulder and dragged her upstairs. But she couldn't remove her eyes off the door that the two entered. "You okay?" Jimin turned around to her when they went into the recording room.

"Chelsea.." she mumbles loud enough for Jimin to hear.

"Yeah Taehyung and I saw her come out of her van, he's informing the others right now..." jimin held onto her hand to comfort her.

"Why are you here?"

"I saw you, and I knew I had to come"

"D-did you see them?" She asks.

"Jungkook dragging her?"

She could only nod in response. "Look y/n...Im sure there's nothing to worry about...Im sure right now at this moment Jungkook is yelling at her to leave! So don't worry"


"Leave" Jungkook looked at her dead straight in the eyes.

"Oh but I've got business here" she kept her head down low avoiding eye contact with him. "Dont worry its not to disturb you..." she was about to turn her back and open the door to leave but Jungkook held the door closed trapping her between his firm body and the door.

"Why are you here?" His breath hitting the back of her neck causing goosebumps all over her body.

"J-just t-to get some t-things..." she stutters still avoiding eye contact with him. He noticed how nervous she seemed and how she hasnt even spared him a glance.

"Look at me" he demands but she shook her head disobeying his request. " dont make me ask again Chelsea "

She curled het fist into a ball and slowly turns around to him. Slowly she lifts her face and Jungkooks eyes widen. "Who did that to you?" Jungkook was shocked to see her bruised eye when she took off her sunglasses.

"Some of your fans...they uhm saw me and...c-called me names...and...t-they...beat me up" she broke down into tears. Jungkook was shocked to hear at what happened to her.

He somehow felt......responsible...


Im sorry for the late updates yall school is being such a bitch

The ex-mistress 21+~Book 2~(Bts Jungkook ff)Where stories live. Discover now