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Everyone sat around on the practice room panting hard, exhausted from dancing all day and it's nearly midnight. Jungkook was about to text y/n when all of a sudden she entered the room holding a bunch of cold drinks. They all stood up in excitement.

"Thank you" Jungkook kissed her cheek while wrapping his arms around her waist. Jimin quickly peeled his eyes off of her as soon as Jungkook got close feeling the exact same knotting at his stomach and the tightening in his chest.

"Where have you been the whole day?" Jungkook asks her but she only smiled and avoided his question and took a seat beside Jimin.

"How are you feeling?" She crossed her legs placing her phone on the floor. Jimin didn't even answer her question and instead he pretended not to hear her while he talked to Taehyung. Jungkook was about to ask her again when all of a sudden her phone rang. Jungkook glanced at the caller ID and saw that it was from JYP.

"Why is JYP calling you?" Jungkook asks but once again he was ignored and she answered the call while walking out of the practice room. "Excuse me"

Jungkook out of pure curiosity followed her outside and listened to their conversation. "Uhm..yes..I am free in the morning tomorrow...I can come in for an interview then...ok...thank you" She hung up on the phone and sighed really loud running her fingers through her hair.

"An interview?!" She quickly turned her head and she was shocked to see Jungkook behind her.

"uh yeah.."

"For what?"

"A job" she was about to walk passed him and into the practice room when he stops her by holding her back.

"Why do you need another job? You have one"

"I uh...JYP offered okay...they're debuting a new girl group and they've heard about what a great manager I am to you guys and offered me a job...I cant just let an opportunity like this slip away"

"So you're just leaving us?? Me?? For what?? More money?! I'll talk to Bang shiyuk and ask for a raise"

"No Jungkook! If I wanted a raise Id go to him myself"

"Then why are you suddenly considering leaving me?"

"Im not leaving you...Im still yours.."

Jungkook sighed while shaking his head in disappointment. "Why are you doing this?...I dont get it.."

"I just....don't want to work in bighit anymore..." she confessed.

"You what?" Jimin's voice was heard as he heard their conversation when he was about to leave to go to the toilets. "Leave bighit?! For what?"


"Guys! Y/N is leaving bighit!" Jimin once again being the blabber mouth couldn't keep his lips shut. All the boys stood up in complete and utter shock.

"What?!" All their voices echoed throughout the practice room. Jimin couldn't help but think the maybe she was leaving because she noticed his feelings for her and wanted to leave.

"look guys....none of you really thought that I was staying for long now did you?....A year as your manager has been the best thing but we can't keep this up...you guys are getting more and more famous day by day...it's only a matter of time before Jungkook and I get caught.."

"She's right....especially since you cant keep your pal to yourself.." Jimin said rolling his eyes. "Go then..Leave" He walks away from the group and they were all shocked as to why he seems so upset. Without a doubt Y/N ran after him. Jungkook was about to follow too but Jin held him back.

"Whatever it is Jimin is going through...its only y/n who can help...so just let her..for now" Jin explains and everyone thought that maybe only she could help because he's having girl problems himself.

"Jimin-ah!" Y/N stops him before he could enter a taxi. "What is going on with you?"

"It's none of your business y/n"

"Jimin...talk to me...please.." Y/N couldn't bare to see him hurt in any way especially ever since she became their manager she and Jimin had gotten a lot more closer than before. "Is it about..her again?" She knew that jimin had been struggling with his feelings with some girl but he refuses to give any names. She walked closer to him holding his hand.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" She asks really hoping he'd say yes and he responded by nodding. She reached out for his hood and put it up for him and she used the face mask in his coat pocket and put it on him. He couldn't help but feel how much she cares and it hurt him even more. He reached for her hood and looked for a face mask and put it on her face for her.

She noticed the pained look on him and it pained her too. She wrapped her arms around his and they walked along side each other.

Little did they know someone had taken multiple pictures of them without their masks and with.

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The ex-mistress 21+~Book 2~(Bts Jungkook ff)Where stories live. Discover now