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"Jungkook..?" Y/N entered his room thats still dark. She was about to open the light when all of a sudden someone had grabbed a hold of her hands. She gasps in shock but as soon as she opened her mouth Jungkook had stuck his fingers in lubricating his fingers with her saliva.

"Lets see if you're still wet..." he whispers seductively and it was as if she was paralysed and couldn't move from the sensation of his touch. His fingers trailed down from her stomach to the back of her skirt unzipping it. Along with her skirt, her underwear fell down too. Jungkook didn't waste any more precious time and stuck his wet fingers in her folds.

"Mmhhhhmmm.." she bit her lips from the pleasure and Jungkook just watched her expression aching for his own bulge to be touched since earlier.

"Do you want me now...?..." Jungkook asks with a smirk plastered all over his face.

"Always.." she moaned in response.
"Dont ignore me again or I won't make you cum again" he bit her lip and kissed her passionately.

He lifted her towards the bed and dropped her slowly stripping away both his clothes and whats left of hers. He couldn't hold back anymore and stuck his hard dick inside of her not even giving her time to adjust.

Jungkook pov

Her pussy made wet sucking noises as she pumped it faster and faster. Her breath became irregular and ragged as she raced towards orgasm. Helping her, I pressed my thumb against her swollen clit and rubbed little circles around it. That pushed her over the edge and I felt her grip my cock in a quick succession of little squeezes and she bit her lip as she tried to stifle a whimper and a moan while her whole body shook.

 That pushed her over the edge and I felt her grip my cock in a quick succession of little squeezes and she bit her lip as she tried to stifle a whimper and a moan while her whole body shook

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She came really hard and she slumped forward, kissing me while I thrust up into her as fast as I could. The sounds of sex filled the room and if anybody was awake in the house, they would instantly know what was going on in my room. Y/N  pushed her lips on mine and her tongue practically raped my mouth as she climaxed over and over again until she begged me to stop pounding her pussy.

"Oh god, you're good, I never came this much or this hard" she panted after she got her breath back. I pushed in once more.
"We're not done yet" I said and rolled her onto her back.
She spread her legs and pulled up her knees, opening herself up to me. My cock found its mark and we were fucking again.

I knew I would not last long anymore. We had been fucking frantically for ten minutes now and I felt my balls tighten, preparing to spew their content into her pussy once more. I gave it all I got, fucking Y/N as quick as I could, pushing her into orgasm just as I started cumming.

Her eyes rolled back and she nearly passed out as the huge orgasm took over control of her body. Deep in the center of her convulsing body was my cock, spitting out stream after stream of cum.

As she slowly came down off her high, she kept me pinned on top of her, her arms and legs locked behind my back and her mouth pressed to mine. I did not attempt to break her embrace, I liked being in her arms, snuggling and kissing her. We laid there for almost five minutes. All this time she had her eyes closed and seemed to be dreaming while she ground her hips up at mine, softly fucking my hardening cock that was still embedded in her. Then she opened her eyes and smiled.
"Hmm yes, I needed that...especially since you teased me in the van" she whispered.
" you're so hot and... It feels so good, I want to keep fucking it forever"
"That's good, because I'm not finished yet" she said and pushed her pelvis into mine again.

My cock had grown back to full hardness again and I pushed back at her. Y/N cooed approvingly at my thrust inside her.
"I love how well we fit together" she said.
I nodded, "It's because we're perfect for each other!"
She agreed and rolled me on my back so she could sit upright again.
"God, you're beautiful" I whispered as I admired the view. Y/N grabbed my hands, which had rested on her behind, and placed them on her perky round breasts. I gently squeezed the firm globes and flicked her rubbery nipples. They were magnificent and I enjoyed playing with them almost as much as I enjoyed fucking her pussy. She seemed to like it as well, as she whimpered softly again as she started rocking her hips. Using my cum as lubricant, she fucked me with quick little strokes. Within minutes of fucking and me playing with her breasts, I felt her pussy squeeze rapidly and she slumped forward again.

I quickly rolled us over and kept pumping her missionary style without missing a single beat.

Within seconds she came again and kept cumming while I fucked her. Not nearly ready to cum myself, I pulled her on her knees and reinserted myself into her frothy pussy from behind. She pushed her face into the pillow and let out a muffled series of moans while I did her doggy style. My hands were wrapped around her waist, pulling her into me as I pushed against her perfect round ass with every thrust. It was a good thing I had orgasmed twice already in the past hour, otherwise the view alone would have been enough to make me cum again. Now I was able to keep fucking her through many muffled orgasms before I could not hold back anymore and shot a third load against her womb.

Spent for the moment, I fell on the bed, next to her. She kissed me on the lips and then kissed her way down to my groin where she kissed and licked the cum off my cock. Then she took the head in her mouth and started sucking and bobbing. Y/N's lips and tongue did wonderful things with my cock and I was soon getting hard again. Her oral skills were second to none, a pleasure only surpassed by the snug fit of her exquisite pussy. Needless to say, she had me hard again in minutes and soon pushed me back inside her.

That night we fucked for hours. I had my cock in her pussy in every position we could think of and had it sucked a couple of times too. I ended up cumming inside her three more times before we fell in a deep sleep in each other's' arms, dead tired, but completely satisfied.


Who else is dying from those gifs?!?!?!? I KNOW I AM AGGHHG!!


The ex-mistress 21+~Book 2~(Bts Jungkook ff)Where stories live. Discover now