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"hyung...." Jimin knocked at his older hyung's room his voice breaking. Jin opened the door in concern. As soon as he opened the door Jimin pushed him in and threw himself at Jin's bed.

"What's wrong?" Jin sat down beside him. Jimin just kept his face buried. "Jimin-ah....is it about Jungkook?...did you two have a fight?" Jimin sat up and just then did Jin finally see his face. It was swollen and his eyes puffy from crying. He sniffed and took a deep breath.

"Why would you think that?" Jimin asked his voice hoarse.

"he too was....very upset when he came in through the dorm" Jin explained remembering how much Namjoon wanted to scold him but seeing his depressed worn out look he couldn't bring himself up to stay mad at him knowing that their manager must have done so already.

"...no...I havent even spoken a word to him since the award show..." Jimin sighed deeply.

"Then why are you like this then?" Jin scooted closer to pet his leg to comfort him. And just then did he remember, must this be because of y/n ?...

"S-she knows..." Jimin broke down again and laid his head on Jin's lap sobbing. Jin was lost in words not knowing what to do. He's never seen Jimin cry like this. "what happened...talk to me about it..." Jin felt a lump in his throat seeing his dongsaeng break.

"S-she can't even look at me in the eyes...I..I think she hates me...."

"What makes you think like that?"

"I ju-"

"hyun-.....uhm" Taehyung interrupted them and saw Jimin a crying mess. "Yah hyung! Why did you make Jiminssi cry?!" Tae sat himself down beside Jimin and wrapped his arms around him to comfort him.

"YAh! i didnt make him cry! why are you here anyway??" Jin asked Taehyung.

"OHH Jungkook...he's uhm....crying too...wait did you two have a fight? is that why you're both crying?" Taehyung asked remembering the last time Jimin and Jungkook had a fight they both almost cried from missing each other.

"n-no....no!" Jimin stood up and left the room to head straight to Jungkooks room. He wanted to see him even if seeing him hurts him.

Jungkook threw everything he could see into mid air in frustration. He couldn't breathe let alone care for anything in the world right now. Yoongi tried his best to stop him from ruining everything.

 Yoongi tried his best to stop him from ruining everything

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But he's at a stage where he just wants his pain to end. The pain he's brought upon y/n. Even if the pain he's feeling now is suffocating him what kills him is the fact that he's broke y/n. He broke everything they had. All because of a drunk night. Distrust in her and Jimin.

"Jungkook..." Jimin entered the room and tried to also stop him but Jungkook pushed him away.

"Stay away from me!" He screamed at his hyung.

"Yah!" Yoongi pulled Jimin up and scolded Jungkook.

"WHY?! Why are you in love with her?!" Jungkook fell to his knees and cried with his head hanging low. "Why...out of the millions of girls that love you...why must it be her...." Jungkook sobbed still not looking at him.

"Mianhe Jungkook....Im so sorry..." Jimin also kneeled down to Jungkook's level but not near him knowing that Jungkook is irratic.

" Jimin also kneeled down to Jungkook's level but not near him knowing that Jungkook is irratic

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"...There's no words to explain how sorry I am for falling for her....but Jungkook...that never changed how much she loves you..." jimin sniffed and yoongi snuck out of the room wanting the two to sort out their own problems.

"I know....And I broke..h-her..." Jungkook finally looked up to him.

" Jungkook finally looked up to him

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"hyung..." Jungkook sobbed out those words and Jimin couldn't take it anymore and went over to him. In a split second jimin had his arms wrapped around Jungkook to comfort him.

"what did you do?" Jimin asked wondering as to why he keeps saying he broke her.

"I......cheated on her..." Jimin felt his heart drop.He couldn't even begin to imagine how hurt she must be right now. How much he just wants to leave and comfort her but his dongsaeng is broken down too.

What should he do?....

Stay...with his dongsaeng...


Go to the woman he loves....

Love ?...



The ex-mistress 21+~Book 2~(Bts Jungkook ff)Where stories live. Discover now