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"Get in!" Bang pd called into the boys to get into the studio at this time. It was way past midnight and they're all wondering as to what is happening.
Namjoon being the leader he is gathered his members and lead them.

Namjoon : " What's happening?" They all took their seat and he looks stressed while typing some things on his computer and turning on the projector to show them something.

" Park Jimin and his scandal" He showed them the hundreds of articles speculating if this was the truth or not.

Jimin :" what?...what happened?" He looked choked on his seat seeing his name all over the board and his pictures throughout that night.

"Y/N...?" Jimin and Jungkook both said in unison and back at each other having the exact same expression.

Jungkook : " You and y/n are rumoured dating..."
He mumbles to himself.

Jimin : " Can we not fix this? I'll have a conference meeting on my own with them!"

Bang pd : " Yes you will...with Y/N... accepting the rumours as...real"

Jungkook + Jimin : " What???"
They stood up from their chairs in shock and yet the expressions they're wearing are no longer the same. Jungkook was boiling with anger whereas Jimin is confused.

Bang pd : " I gotta be honest...our sales have....decreased...a lot...and this scandal will help shine some light back to bts! Trust me on this"

Namjoon : " But the Arm-"

Bang pd : " Will be furious yes I know! But this way they can see how great of a boyfriend Jimin is and might actually love him even more!.."

Yoongi : " We just released 'love yourself' isnt that enough light for us?"

Bang pd : " Even better! It fits perfectly with Jimins part in the album! Being in love with one of his friends girl!"

Jin : " But he's not!" He quickly defended Jimin.

Bang pd : " Yes yes I know but...just believe me on this okay!"

~Next day~

"WHAT?!" Y/N almost spat out her coffee when she sat on her couch receiving a distressed call from jungkook. "Uhm...No!.. Im not pretending to date Jimin! No"

She placed her cup on the table lost at her words. "Im on my way then" She stood up and rushed out the door.


"You okay?" Jin sat right beside Jimin who kept shaking his head in stress.

"How am I suppose to move on?" Jimin mumbles to himself.

"Move on from what?" Jungkook came in after hanging up on y/n. "It it that girl I keep hearing y/n talk about?" He sat in front of his hyungs.

"What has y/n said?" Jimin asked curiously.

"You're her best friend you can't hide the fact thar you're heart broken and she can see it....it hurts her hyung" Jungkook confessed remembering that one night y/n looked so concerned about Jimin worrying Jungkook too.

"Im fine...everythings fine" Jimin stoof up and walked away.


"Did you have anything to do with this?!" Y/N got out of her car and stood in front of him at the bench.

"To do with what?" He didnt even spare her a glance but kept his eyes on the magazine he was reading.

"The rumours of Jimin and I?!"

"Look....I gave you a chance to leave and yet....you are still there..."

"A chance?! What? 2 hours?! I will leave Bighit alright! But give me some time!"

"You know she likes a grand entrance and she wants it soon"

"How soon?" She bit the inside of her cheek feeling her heart sink at the thought of her.


Hehehe who's making a comeback??

The ex-mistress 21+~Book 2~(Bts Jungkook ff)Where stories live. Discover now