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~A few days later~

"Jungkook" chelsea ran up to him and embraced his body but he just went stiff. "We need to talk" he held her arm really tight. "What are you doing! You're hurting me!" Chelsea tried her best to release herself from his tight grip.

"How dare yo-"

"Chelsea!" Jungkook was cut off when someone had yelled chelsea's name from the downstairs lobby. She went over to check what the commotion was and leaned against the barister.
"Chelsea! Someone is towing your car!" Her driver screamed at her once again and hearing what he had furiously screamed she rushed down stairs. She proceeded to run completely out of the building and to her car being towed away.

"Yah!" She ran after the truck and fortunately it stopped. "What do you think you're doing?!" She started swaying her hands in the car like a crazy lunatic unaware of what situation she's in. The driver went out to her grabbing a bunch of papers along with him and heavily walked to her.

"You signed a contract with our company to rent a car for as long as you're here in korea....as long as you pay it weekly.....you haven't paid at all" He ruffled through the pages to show her the receipt of payments she paid.

"What are you talking about? My payment is direct debit which means I dont even have to do anything and all your company has to do is take the money from my account!" She yanked the pages from his grip and looked at her bankings.

"Exactly! But you gave us a bank account that has the balance of $5.00.....the payment weekly is $100!"

Chelsea was drawn back as to why he's saying that her bank account was empty. "Thats bullshit! You clearly aren't doing your lazy ass stupid job properly! I just went shopping yesterday! WITH my card! Care to explain to me how my bank only had $5.00 in the beginning?? Thats why I 'havent paid' !"

"Its your bank and our car! No pay no car!" He turned his back around entered his truck continuing to tow her car.

"IM GOING TO SUE YOUR FAT ASS" she screamed at the top of her lungs and when she looked around everyone was staring at het including Jungkook. Seeing him at the door she wanted to hit herself for showing him het "beast" mode when she's suppose to act all innocent and shy. She tugged a piece of her hair behind her ear and walked towards him in a slow manner like a lady.

"Jungkook-ahhh that mean man took my car bullying me and calling me names" she whined like a child and tearlessly cried. She was about to wrap her arms around him but he steps back.

"Im pretty sure that was you! You were the one calling him names and bullying him when all he's doing was his job!" He raised his eyebrows at her and she just rolled her eyes at him.

"Why are you taking his side!?"

"Why should I take yours?" He asked annoyed.


"Dont" he holds his palms up to stop her from talking.

"Dont what" she asked confused.

"Dont call me oppa! Im not your oppa!"

"But you're older than me!"

"I.D please?" He held his hand out for her to give him.

"Ugh! Why are you so irritating " she held her head down looking up at him every once in a while to see when he'll start to feel sorry for her.


"How's y/n?" Taehyung asks Jimin when he just went off the phone.

"She's fine I just told her what happened with Chelsea" Jimin replied putting his phone in his back pocket.

"Is this part of her plan?" Taehyung asked.

The ex-mistress 21+~Book 2~(Bts Jungkook ff)Where stories live. Discover now