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She stood from afar watching a chaos unfold before her. "What are you doing here?" Jimin walked up to her in curiosity. "Observing" She replied with a straight face. He watched her with his eyebrows wrinkled in confusion. Thinking about how all the bad things chelsea has down to her suddenly turned her into this. Cold.

"Y/N...." Jimin started out but she walked away leaving him. He sighed in defeat and watched the chaos in front of him not too far.

"Let go of me!" Chelsea screams at the guards holding her back from attacking the CEO of Bighit entertainment. "Im going to sue you!"

"But why?!" Namjoon defended him.

"Your company payed me to stay quiet! So that the public doesnt find out about what really happened between Jungkook and I!" She gripped hard onto the arms of the men holding her back. "And if you think after what your company has done to me I still keep my silence?? Oh you must be all dreaming!"

"But why? Why suddenly speak up huh?!" Namjoon asked her infuriated himself.

"Because the money they have payed....They took it ALL back! "

"Thats Because they shouldn't have to keep you quiet! You should have done it if you want to stay out of jail!" Y/N approached them. The sound of her heels getting louder as she got closer to Chelsea intimidating her. Y/N smirked as she placed her hand on her hip.

Chelsea released herself from the guards grip and scoffed at y/n, looking at her up and down. "And what do you think you're doing?!" Chelsea raised her voice wondering as to why y/n isnt staying silent anymore.

"Shocked?" Y/N walked even closer to her. "Shocked to see that the girl you thought you've suppressed is suddenly here?" Her face was only inches away from her.

"Careful there y/n...you almost look like you want to challenge me" chelsea locked eyes with her flaring with anger.

"Careful there chelsea...you almost look like you're afraid that I am" she replied back just as sharp.

"Are you sure you really want to do that y/n?" Chelsea shoved her back and y/n stumbled but a hand held her back and when she looked back it was no other than Jungkook.

"Perfect timing Jungkook! Since you're here why not get everything out huh?" Chelsea smirked at y/n and y/n scoffed as a response.

"Get what out exactly huh?" Y/N raised an eyebrow at her.

"The abortion" chelsea smirked at her.

Namjoon and the rest of the members were confused while they watch the drama and Jungkook stood still.

"Tsk tsk tsk poor jungkookie had no clue....and look at you not even feeling slightly sorry " Chelsea stepped closer to her but Jungkook stood in front of her blocking y/n from her. "Awh it truly is tragic to see you all protective of her when she's done nothing but lied to you!"

"Id protect her any day than see you!!" Jungkook replied back. Y/N walked in front of Jungkook and gave him a look to stand away. "This isnt your fight, its mine" y/n told Jungkook and faced chelsea again. "Did you hear that chelsea?"

"Lets just see if he'll still say the same after I tell him how much a slut you are and a murderer!"

"There's no other slut here than you!" Y/N snapped back her. Out of frustration chelsea raised her hand to slap y/n in the face but y/n quickly grabbed her arm and swung her other arm slapping chelsea in the face instead. "Thats for having me raped!" And once again she let go of Chelsea's arm and slapped her on the other side of her cheek. "That's for blackmailing me!" And for one last time she slapped her again. "And thats for sleeping with MY man"

Everyone was shocked at every thing happening all with their mouths opened. Chelsea hung her head low and started sniggering. "You think you have what it takes to fight me?!" Chelsea shoved her but as Jungkook was about to hold her back y/n stopped him. "MY fight!"

"Fight you?! The war is over! And you lost!" Y/N screamed at her shoving her back and out of fear Jungkook stood away with the members.

"Really?! And who are you to fight against me?! You will always be the mistress of my husband! Even if we're not married anymore.. thats what you started as!"

"And what about you? You will always be second choice! Even when you were married! I was the one he fucked ENDLESSLY! Until now!" Y/N eyes flared with anger.

"We do have to agree on one thing....Jungkook...feels...good" Chelsea smirked speaking slowly to intimidate her.

"Something you wouldn't know!" Y/N smirked taking out her phone. She flicked through her phone and chelsea and the others stood full of mystery.

"What are you talking about....I slept with Ju-"

"SLEPT! As in SLEEP! Minho told me the truth! He was there in that room with you and Jungkook! He helped you take his clothes off! And minho couldn't trust you to not do anything on Jungkook while he was sleeping so he stayed in the room while you two slept!" Y/N rang someone on the phone.
"Get here quick"

"Excuse me?! Thats bullshit! Jungkook and I had sex!" She tried her best to convince everyone around.

"Are you hearing yourself? You sound pathetic!"

"You are pathetic! Killing yours an Jungkooks child without telling him! Did you hear that Jungkook? Yes! She had an abortion! Pregnant with YOUR child!" Chelsea screamed at Jungkook while pointing at y/n.

"And?" Jungkook walked up to y/n holding her by her waist staring at Chelsea. "Your point?"

"What?" Chelsea took a step back confused. "What? You knew?"

"All this time" he answered back.

Chelsea scoffed and turned around. "Im leaving! And Im going to END YOU! AND ALL OF YOU!" She screams as she points at y/n and the Jungkooks members.

"And how do you plan on doing that? When you dont have a single penny?" Y/N asks walking towards her.

"Who said I have no money?"

"Oh but isnt all of it been donated to charities all over the world?" Y/N asks implying that all of her money is gone because y/n had pulled some strings and emptied her bank account and donated all of chelseas money away.

"Excuse me?!"

"You've no money Chelsea....well I mean you don't need it in Jail anyway"

The ex-mistress 21+~Book 2~(Bts Jungkook ff)Where stories live. Discover now