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Jungkook and Chelsea made their way out of the room but before they exited Jungkook held her back and put her sunglasses back on her. "This discussion isn't over yet" he held her by her lower back trying to cover her face from the cameras. All the paparazzi took a picture of Jungkook being protective of her making the rumours true in their heads.

Jungkook pov

Even if Chelsea was the reason that y/n broke into pieces and the amount of bad stuff she's caused her it makes me mad and despise her but somehow a part of me knows that its all my fault anyway. If I had stayed faithful to her and ended things with y/n the second we made our engagement official maybe then y/n would have never been raped...have her life threatened. Chelsea was simply a girl in love and fighting for her love and marriage, maybe not the right way but...I get where she's coming from, I would have done anything to fight for y/n.

"Why are you here again?" I asked her as I lead her up the stairs letting go of her.

"I need some papers signed so I can continue my job in America legally since I moved here because of our marriage.."

"Dont worry....i'll help you" I looked up ahead but she stops my arm.

"Why?... don't you hate me?" She still couldn't look at me in the eyes.

"Lets just say I believe in people changing" I walk past her again leading the way. "Come on" She caught up with me but she bumped into my back when I suddenly stop in my tracks. She she noticed how tensed I looked and looked towards the direction of where I was looking.

3rd persons pov

"Y/N..." Jungkooks eyes filled with worry afraid of how she'll react to see Chelsea so close. "Im only showing her where the uhm...office is.."

"Okay" she walked past Jungkook dragging Jimin by his arm. Jungkook held back her other than arm thats not holding Jimin.

"Where are you going?..with Jimin hyung?"
His eyes fixated on y/n and Jimins hand connected.

"To the uhm...other members...." she couldn't even look at him.

"Can I talk to you hyung?" Jungkook looks towards Jimin. He nodded as a response and they both made their way further from the girls.

"What are you doing here?" Y/N eyes flared in anger.

"I told you I was coming back" chelsea dropped her innocent act she put on for Jungkook and looked at her annoyed. "I should be the one asking you! What are you still doing here"

"What are you even planning on doing huh? Take Jungkook back? Pfft goodluck bitch" y/n curled her fists in anger.

"Babes I've only been with him less that 10 minutes and he's already feeling pity for me"

"Pity...not love or like....he just feels sorry for you"

"We'll see bitch"

The ex-mistress 21+~Book 2~(Bts Jungkook ff)Where stories live. Discover now