Chapter 9

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"You didn't quite get me did you?"

I looked up from my iPhone to see Alesha with her friend who was in geography class.

"Didn't quite get what?" I asked.

"the note I sent you in class" She shouted in my face.

"Oh, that note was from you! I thought it was from someone else" I lied, even though I was like jelly on the inside.

"Are you a spaz or something?" they both laughed in my face whilst poking me, "Stay away from Harry, I'm warning you"

"I don't have to do what you tell me to do" I shouted back.

"Yeah, you do, otherwise you'll live in hell" she shouted. She put her hand up, ready to hit me, but someone took it away.


"Do I bloody have to? What did I do?" I asked as the teacher gave me extra homework just as the bell went.

"Because, you were back chatting and not paying attention whilst I was teaching the class" She replied.

"Fine, fine I'll do it" I said, knowing I won't win this fight, "Can I at least go now?"

"Yes, go" She said, clearly annoyed.

I ran down the corridor and out the door to see Piper.

My face lighted up when I saw her, but then it quickly came down when I saw Alesha and Madison shouting in her face. I ran to them, and just before Alesha hit her, I stopped her just in time.

"Don't. You. Dare. Lay a finger on her. I'm warning you" I shouted in her face with gritted teeth. I was furious.

"Why? Have you got a soft spot for her or something?" Alesha shouted back. There was a crowd gathering round us, like there always is in a fight.

"Yeah, I do actually" I said.

With that, Alesha let go of my grip and punched Piper on the cheek. Her eyes were brimming with tears. I couldn't stop Alesha this time, I pushed her away and said to her,

"You'll regret that"

Alesha smirked at Piper.

"Oh, I don't think I will" She said.

She's mentally spazed up in the brain...


I didn't know what was really happening after she punched me. The pain was really sore.

Harry pushed Alesha and said something to her, I don't know what.

"I'm so sorry Piper, I could of prevented it from happening" Harry told me as we were out the school gates and walking home, whilst I still held my cheek tightly.

"You really couldn't of prevented it from happening. Don't worry, it wasn't your fault" I told him.

"Yeah, but if I got there sooner.."

"It probably still would of happened"

We got to our houses.

"Do you want to come in?" I asked him.

"Yeah, okay for a little bit"

We walked inside, and my sister was there, on the couch watching telly.

"Hi Piper. How was.... what happened to your cheek?" She asked me.

"Um, I accidentally knocked into a lamppost, no biggie" I said to her. I didn't want her to find out the real reason, she would just go on about it.

"Hmm, fine" She said, still watching the telly.

I went into the kitchen and got some cream for my cheek.

"Let's go upstairs" I said to Harry.

We walked upstairs and I put the cream on, it was really cold.

"I'll warm it up for you" Harry said to me, he stood up from my bed and started blowing hot air onto my cheek.

"Harry that's not going to make a difference" I said giggling.

Just then, Harper came in through the door.

"Um, what are you doing?" she asked us with a frown on her face.

"Um, ever heard of knocking?" I said back.

"I needed to get something, but no worries, I'll just get it later. See ya." She said with a weird look on her face.

"That was a bit embarrassing" I said to Harry when she was downstairs.

"I was just warming up your cheek! No big deal"

"Oh well, so what do you want to do?" I asked him.

"Well, we could play truths. I need to know more about you"

"Hmm, okay. I like the sound of that. Better than dares." I said.

"Okay, I'll start" Harry said, "Hmm, what's your favourite colour?"

"Purple, do you have a pet?"

"Yeah, a cat. What is your full name?"

"Piper Marie Hill, what's yours?"

"Harry Edward Styles, what is your favourite food?"

"Spaghetti Bolognese. Are you really popular at school?"

"I'm quite popular, but I'm not one of those jerks, is your cheek still hurting?" He asked, kissing my cheek.

"Haha, yes a bit. Have you had any other girlfriends before?"

"Yeah. Rebekah and Iona, have you had any other boyfriends?"

"Just James. Have you had any one night stands?"

He looked down onto his lap and started going red in the face.

"Have you?" I asked.

"Um, yeah but I was drunk!"

"Who was it then?" I asked, kind of scared to know the answer.

"Um, it was....... Alesha" He said to me.

"Oh, right" That's why Alesha had always been so clingy to Harry and warned me to stay away from him.

"She has been really clingy ever since. I don't even know why I did it. It was kind of stupid. She won't leave me alone now. I'm sorry" He told me.

"No, it's okay." I said to him.

"Anyway. My turn to ask a question. Hmm........" He took a long time for this one, "Are you a virgin?" He asked me.

"Harry!" I went out with James for quite a while, but we never did anything like that, I looked down, "Yeah, actually I am." I said, my face going red.

"It's really nothing to be ashamed about. I'm actually one too" He admitted.

"What? But what about that one night stand with Alesha?" I asked him.

"Well, we were about to do it, but luckily Iona came in just at the right time to stop me. But that's why we broke up. I was really drunk, sorry" He told me, his face red.

"No need to be sorry. I wasn't even there" I said.

He smiled up at me and kissed me.

I suddenly heard the door burst open, right when I was kissing Harry........

My Heart Is Set on You { Harry Styles }Where stories live. Discover now