Chapter 29

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"I guess we're partners" Harry came up behind me and whispered in my ear.


"No. No we're not" I stated.

"Wha-" He started to say.

"Um, Mr Smith?"

"Yes. What is it?"

"Can I change partners please?" I asked sweetly.

"Why?" He asked me.

"Well. I don't get on with Harry" I said.

"What? Yes we do get along. Don't worry about her. We get along fine" Harry said to the teacher.

"Then that's alright then. Get to it, quick"

I groaned, knowing I won't win this fight.

"You got a toughie there" Someone said behind me.

I turned around and saw a blonde haired kid Harry was talking to earlier.

"Sorry...what?" I asked him.

"I mean Harry" He chuckled. He has an Irish voice, one that I didn't notice before. And he's really cute.

"Oh. Yeah. I know" I said in annoyance.

He just gave me a questioned look

"Long story" I admitted.

"Piper, come on let's go into a practice room" Harry moaned.

I groaned in annoyance and followed him to a practice room nearby.

I slammed the door shut and sat down in a chair.

" Well.. I just wanted to" He stuttered.

"What? Tell me what?" I asked him.

"Um.....that I'm sorry and that I still love you. Even though....y-you probably won't love me anymore" He said, looking at the ground.

Wow.... How am I meant to answer that???

"I will always love you Harry, but I can't let you do this to me." I whispered.

"Do what?" He asked me, a frown on his face.

"I can't let you hurt me."


"I can't let you hurt me" She barely whispered.

When those words came out of her mouth, my heart shattered.

"B-but I won't ever hurt you"

"Harry. I just can't do it. Those are just words. Your world famous, and I'm just.. Me. Your high school girlfriend. Anyway, you have a girlfriend" She sighed.

"BUT I DON'T LOVE HER!" I shouted in frustration.

"I'm sorry Harry. I just can't do it" She sighed.


"We need to get on with this project" She cut him off.

I sighed, knowing I can't win her round this time.

I was going to ask her to the Christmas prom, but I know she'll just say no...

"Fine. Alright."


He's hiding something, not that he wants to have me again. I just can't say yes, I've explained that to him.

"Well, you can do most of the singing" I said lazily to him.

"But you need to contribute to this too you know" He argued.

"Yeah, I will do the harmony or something. Anyway, you're the expert in this."

"Yeah, but you chose this course" He argued.

"Yeah. But I don't really want to do it with you! Just sing, I'll put in the harmony"

"What shall I sing?"

"Just any random thing at the moment. We'll think of lyrics later on."

He started singing Taylor Swift 'You Belong With Me'.

I do have to admit, his voice was really good. It's matured a lot since I heard him sing last.

I just started to put harmonies in here and there, not really making any effort. I really don't want to work with him, it's really awkward.

He finished the song with a flourish and I stood up and clapped

"Woo, well done for you. Well done"

"Yeah, and you. Okay, let's get started on lyrics" He said.

"Let's" I sighed.

I got my laptop out and we started thinking of lyrics.

"Erm. What about girls?" Harry said.

"Yeah. That's all you ever think about isn't it?" I said.

"Well, have you got any better ideas?" He asked me.

"Hmm...what about something like a breakup? She moves away or something, and he's learning to deal with it?" I suggested.

"Hmm. Well it could work. But I still think girls is better" He smirked looking straight at me.

"Just stop going on about girls! For once!" I moaned.

"Ughh. fine. Give me the laptop" He said to me.

"Hmm. No"

"Give it to me"

"Hmm. Nope"

"I'm warning you. Give it to me!"

"Haha. No! It's my laptop"

"Right. Okay then. Be like that" He seized the laptop off me and started tickling me.

"Haaaa! Harry! Stop! Stop" I managed to say.

"Not until I get the laptop"

I fell to the ground with Harry on top of me, still tickling me.


"Don't shout that loud! I'll go deaf" He said.

He stopped tickling me and stated into my eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"You have beautiful eyes" He whispered.

I stared into his eyes. I saw that little glimmer in them, he was happy, excited and full of life. I noticed a change, like there was still the old Harry in there. He wasn't like this with Rebekah, I noticed.

He leaned into me, and so did I until....

"What the hell are you doing?"

My Heart Is Set on You { Harry Styles }Where stories live. Discover now