Chapter 11

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I woke up with a banging headache. Someone was knocking on my balcony door again....


"Hurry up you slowcoach, get ready for school!" Harry shouted through the door. God, why does he have to be so loud in the mornings?

I rolled over and looked at my side table to my alarm clock to see what the time was.


Oh crap.

I reluctantly got out of bed and opened the door, to find a beaming Harry.

"Hurry up Piper, we're going t- woah! You look like death!" Harry laughed.

"Shut up! It's not funny! I feel like shit!" I said, "My head is burning and I have a sore stomach! It feels like I'm about to puke any moment! I think that moments now!" I ran into the bathroom and puked my guts up.

I brushed my teeth quickly and went back into my bedroom, where Harry was waiting.

"Didn't sound too good there" He said, patting the bed next to where he was. I sat down beside him and he kissed my forehead.

"God, your head is burning, you could fry an egg on it!" Harry teased.

"Oh thanks. Please don't make me wretch again. The thought of eggs makes me sick" I said, lying down on my bed.

"Aww, is poor Piper sick? Don't worry, doctor Styles is here to help!"

"Ha Harry, you don't need to. Anyway, don't you have school to go to?"

"I can't go to school when your sick! I have to look after you"

"Yeah, but someone will notice!"

"Naa, I'll just say I was sick."

"Ugg, fine" I said.

"Good! Now I'll get you some stuff. I'll be back up in a minute" He said whilst putting his school bag on one of the bean bags. I closed my eyes for a minute or two, feeling as sick as ever.


I went downstairs to get some stuff for Piper, when I saw Harper sitting at the table, eating breakfast.

"Hi Harper" I said.

"Harry? What are you doing here? And where's Piper?" She asked.

"Oh, Pipers sick today so I'm going to take care of her"

"Aww! Such a good boyfriend!" She said a little too loudly.

"Harper!!! Shh, we don't want your mum knowing!"

"Oh, she's not here, she's gone to work already" She said, back to eating her breakfast.

I got some stuff, with a bit of help from Harper.

I brought the stuff upstairs on a tray and into Pipers bedroom.


I woke up, startled by Harry shaking me, must of dozed off.

"I got you some stuff" He said, whilst pointing at the tray.

It consisted of a damp facecloth, hot chocolate, a thermometer, some painkillers, ice cream, water and a bucket incase I spewed. He really was a perfect boyfriend.

"Thanks Harry. You really didn't need to go to all that much" I said whilst kissing him.

"Well, it's better than school" He replied, kissing my lips, "Eww, puke breath! Yuk"

"Heey! There is nothing wrong with my breath" I said, playfully punching him.

"Only joking! Here, put this in your mouth"

He took the thermometer and I put it in my mouth.

"Hmm, you seem to have a temperature"

"Aww, no shit Sherlock"

"Don't worry, doctor Styles is here to make you feel better" He said, ignoring my last comment. He put the damp facecloth to my forehead.

"Is there anything else you want me to do?" He asked.

"Kiss me"

"I was hoping you would say that" he smiled, laying down beside me and started kissing me.

"I love you" He said.

Did I just hear him right?

Did he really love me?

Is it much more than a crush?

But most importantly, did I feel the same way?

"I love you too"

Yes, I think I do, I closed my heavy eyelids thinking about all of this.


"Who knew Paul could be such a wrong movie" I said to Harry, whilst eating ice cream, watching Paul.

"I know. Who knew two fat nerds meeting an alien who smokes meet up? I mean, whoever wrote that is a legend! Seriously" Harry laughed whilst finishing up his ice cream.

Just then, Harper came in through the front door, not making any eye contact at us at all.

"Hey Harper. How was school?" I asked.

"Um, yeah it was fine" She quickly mumbled, whilst running up the stairs.

"What's up with her?" Harry asked.

"I don't know, but I will find out" I answered back, curious to know why Harper was acting so strange.

Whatever it is, I'll get to the bottom of it...

My Heart Is Set on You { Harry Styles }Where stories live. Discover now