Chapter 27

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We meet again" I spun my head round to see....

Rebekah. . .

"What are you doing here?" I whispered.

"Oh, you know, just studying and stuff" She said with an evil smirk.

"Why do you have to do this?" I said to her, whilst shaking my head.

"Oh! You haven't heard? Well. After Harry got fed up with that Caroline Skank women, he came running back to me. He couldn't resist" She chuckled in my face.

"Just get lost. No one likes you"

"Oh, yeah right. How come people kept on voting me in the X Factor then? How come Harry came running back to me? I guess my plan worked out like you said it wouldn't! Ha. I win, you lose! Now you got the biggest bruise!" She punched my jaw and I fell to the ground.

"Don't, don't you dare come near Harry, or you WILL regret it!" She spat at me before walking away.

My life just keeps on getting better and better...



"And we're here boys" Liam said to us as the car stopped.

"YAAY!!! NEW HOME" Louis yelled out.

"God......Louis, why did you have to shout that loud?" Zayn asked groggily. He likes to sleep a lot..

"Sorry" He whispered.

"God, I'm hungry. When's dinner? Has anyone got a snack?" Niall asked.

"Niall. When are you not hungry?" Liam asked.

"What? I like food" He whined.

"Come on guys. Let's get inside" I told them.

"Aren't you supposed to be waiting for your 'Lovely Girlfriend'?" Louis asked me while using quotation marks with his fingers when he said lovely girlfriend.

Louis doesn't get on with Rebekah, neither does Zayn.

Liam and Niall thinks she's alright, I guess I do too.

"Umm....yeah. I suppose" I said before walking out. I breathed a heavy sigh.

"We're going inside Harry. See you soon"

"See ya"

I stood there next to the car, and put my sunnies on.

I waited for Rebekah to come...

I find her quite annoying actually. I don't even know why I went back to her.....spur of the moment thing I guess.

"Hii!" Someone squealed behind me. I spun round to see some girls.


"Just to say, we are big fans of you!!" They screamed.

"That's....nice" I mumbled. I was not in the mood today.

"Yeah. So can we have a photo with you?" They asked.

"I don't see why not" I said to them.

I got my photos taken with them and they walked away.


"Yeah, let's go find the rest of them"

They ran away back inside while I chuckled lightly to myself as I closed my eyes.

"There you are! Hi Harry" I opened my eyes to see Rebekah running towards me.

My Heart Is Set on You { Harry Styles }Where stories live. Discover now