Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

{Rozlynn's POV}

Andy walked into the front room in the middle of us laughing over Jayy's tweet.

"What's so funny?"He asked confused. Jake showed him the twitter conversation and he frowned. "Why did you tell them you were hanging out with Jayy?" 

I stopped laughing and stood up,"Because, Andy, you still haven't told your fans that you and Juliet broke up and Juliet refuses to change her status until you grow a pair and do it yourself."

Andy thought for a moment. He threw Jake's phone at him and whipped out his own phone. We watched as he quickly tapped somethings and on the screen. Once he finished that, i quickly checked his Facebook. His status read "Single." I stared at him wide-eyed as he finished typing something. I heard a twitter notification come from my phone. I checked it. It read:

"AndyBVB: So, my now EX-girlfriend @JulietSimmsALL broke up with me a few weeks ago and left me for the guy she cheated on me with. I'll do a Stickam later explaining more, but for now im going on a date with @RozGaskarth <3" 

Immediately my notifications started blowing up with fans asking if it was true. I quickly typed: 

"RozGaskarth: @AndyBVB is telling the truth. I had @JayyVonMonroe cover for me because Andy hadn't told you guys yet. Sorry!! Time for my date, don't forget to watch Andy's Stickam later tonight!!" 

Andy smiled as he favorited and retweeted my tweet. "Lets go, my dear." I giggled as he took me by the wrist. I held back a grunt of pain and we walked out of the bus with CC screaming behind us to "use protection." I put make-up on my arms so he wouldn't see them and get upset. As we walked away from the buses and down the street, we could hear people whistling at us. We turned around and discovered that it was Vic and Kellin. I stuck my tongue out at them and flipped them off. Andy laughed and started running down street, pulling me with him. 

"Andy! Slow down! We will get there in time. Don't worry!" I shouted. Andy stopped suddenly.

"Here we are!" He cheered. I stared in awe at the five-star restaurant in front of me. 

"A-Andy, you didn't have to spend so much money," I whispered, still shocked. 

"Yes, I did!' Andy said taking a hold of my hand. We walked into the restaurant. "Reservation for two under Biersack." The man grabbed two menus and led is to a back area that was secluded from everyone else.

"How much did you pay for all this?" I hissed under my breath to Andy. 

"Not much," he said. I sighed, there was no way he was going to tell me how much this all costed. 

"So, whats it like being a big rock-star?" I joked.

"Oh you know, girls practically throwing themselves at me everyday, but i don't really blame them. Just look at me!" he exclaimed.

"Someone's getting cocky. No, but really, whats it like being famous?" I said.

"You know, you've been living with us for a few days, you went on tour with Dahvie and Jayy for a few months and look at your Twitter! You are famous already!" he shouted cheerfully. I laughed as the waiter came over with our drinks. Beer for Andy and a cocktail for me. He took our orders. I got the spaghetti and meatballs with salad on the side. Andy got a steak with fries on the side. 

As we waited for our food. Andy asked me about how I actually met Dahvie and Jayy. 

"Well, believe it or not, we met via MySpace," I said. 

"No way!" he said, obviously shocked. 

"Yes," i laughed," I was on of those MySpace Scene Girls and they had their band MySpace page and we started talking and we realized we went to the same high school, they were just two years older than me. So we became buddies and after a few months they left for tour but we still kept in touch." 

He laughed as the waiter came over with our food. We ate in silence. Afterwards, Andy paid for our food and pulled me out of the restaurant. He took me to a little park not too far from where the venue is. Andy picked me up out of nowhere. 

"Andy!" I squealed,"Put me down!" He laughed that sexy laugh of his and set me down on a bench. He sat down next to me and put his hand on my thigh. 

"So, um, Rozlynn? I was wondering...uh.." he stuttered. 

I looked into his eyes," Yeah Andy?" 

He took a deep breath,"I was wondering, do you want to be my girlfriend?" 

I must have been smiling like a clown, "I thought you would never ask!" I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist. I could feel him chuckling. Suddenly, he cupped my cheeks and pushed me slightly away. He stared into my eyes as he said:

"Stop me if you want." Then he leaned in and kissed me. After a moment of shock, I closed my eyes and kissed back. He licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I bit my lip, declining his request. He moaned in mock hurt, i think. I smiled into the kiss and pulled away. I laughed a little and looked at the ground. 

"I can't believe my first kiss was with you, Andy Biersack," I whispered. He smiled and took my hand. 

"Lets go do that Stickam and tell all of the fans," he suggested. I agreed and walked back with the bus with him. 


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